BAPAM: Performing Arts Medicine
Registered UK charity. We are clinical experts delivering health and wellbeing services for those working in the performing arts. [email protected]
ID: 87187041
https://linktr.ee/ukbapam 03-11-2009 13:16:45
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The Access Manifesto: A New Chapter for the Arts. Following on from our co-pro with 20 Stories High, together we have worked with Deaf, Disabled & neurodivergent young people to explore the future for the arts & how it can be made accessible. 👇youtube.com/watch?v=TshZgA…

Our Mental Health Ambassador, Anushka Tanna, and Senior Manager, Dan Hayhurst, join The Ivors Academy for an in-person panel on Mental Health and Wellbeing at tonight's Songwriter Forum ivorsacademy.com/event/songwrit…

Theatre companies Graeae Theatre and 20 Stories High have launched a manifesto that provides a "step-by-step guide" to improve accessibility for deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists and audiences 👇 thestage.co.uk/news/access-ma…

Felt v lucky to join #theactorsbenevolentfund zoom seminar with BAPAM: Performing Arts Medicine on stress &anxiety. Found it most useful & learned a lot. Life is faster for us these days but we also have access to so many wonderful resources. Check out #abf on insta for more details other topics ❤️

Only two days to go until our next Healthy Practice Webinar with BAPAM: Performing Arts Medicine. Join osteopath Michael Mehta as he explains the best techniques to prevent injury and help with recovery. Sign up for free at bit.ly/4bdeofS . . . . . #music #musician #health #wellbeing #webinar