Governments start wars in pursuit of various objectives, from conquering territory to changing the regime of a hostile state to supporting a beleaguered ally. L. Freedman
For Putin, NO change of his regime is above all.
Bitte sehen Sie sich diese sieben Minuten von Report München an – was hier gerade passiert, ist für eine Demokratie absolut inakzeptabel! Es steht nicht nur das Wohl Einzelner auf dem Spiel, sondern das fundamentale Gefüge unserer Gesellschaft. Und ja, dies ist auch das
Das AWRAD-Institut aus Ramallah hat eine Meinungsumfrage unter Palästinensern im Westjordanland (WB) und Gaza (GS) zum aktuellen Krieg zwischen Israel und Gaza durchgeführt.
Wer auf Frieden in Nahost hofft, setzt sich besser hin. 🧵
Your friendly reminder that Ukrainians didn’t choose this war. We’re not ‘pro-conscription’ or ‘pro-war’, and we’d like peace more than you can imagine. Sadly, that’s not an option when you’re facing an invasion. Our current options are limited to fighting back or dying quietly.
In solidarity with Tucker Carlson’s recent Moscow supermarket trip I decided to visit my local Aussie supermarket to determine whether Australia deserves the right to invade New Zealand.
What you see next WILL SHOCK YOU.
An interview with the Russian collaborationist governor of the Zaporizhizhia region in which he openly talks about deporting a large number of Ukrainians who did not concede to the occupation from the region he governs.
Zellensky's income as President of Ukraine is a sweltering high 336,000 hryvnia per year, that's $8,477.26 per year....per fucking year....that's $706.44 per month.
So, habe jetzt spontan im Bett das Video über Trolle & co gedreht xD also erwartet nicht so viel, stellt mir dazu dann gerne Fragen auf die ich dann im nächsten Video eingehen werde.
Heute habe ich ein Interview verdolmetscht mit 8 Frauen - Angehörige von Soldaten, die seit der russischen Eroberung & Zerstörung von Mariupol (Mai 22) in Kriegsgefangenschaft sind. Sie sind in die Schweiz gekommen, um am Rande der Bürgenstock-Konferenz auf das Schicksal ... 1/9
where do i start???
22 years leading troops in peace and combat.....
i have never seen this,
never thought about this...
never thought i would EVER see this...
this is a picture (there is a vid) of a russian troop asking to be shot... and the other soldier does it!!!!!
this is
1/ Short 🧵 on elections and felon candidates for all my American fellas.
I am Italian and I lived through the Berlusconi era. In a lot of ways Berlusconi was to Italy what Trump is to the USA.
If you want to know what will happen, look at Italy 20 years ago.
Does astrology work? We tested the ability of 152 astrologers to see if they could demonstrate genuine astrological skill.
Here is how the study was designed and what we found (including a result that really surprised me):
🧵 Do you want to hear about feelings of Russian soldiers? I will tell you about those I recently met, who are prisoners of war in a Ukrainian detention center & whom Ukraine hopes to exchange as quickly as possible for its own POWs detained in appalling conditions in Russia.