Terence Capellini
Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University studying the evolutionary genetics of the human body and human adaptations
ID: 880154821600456705
https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/evolutionary_genetics 28-06-2017 20:03:56
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Excited to give a talk on July 1st at Queen Mary University of London to Francesco Dell'Accio and colleagues in the Centre for Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology (qmul.ac.uk/whri/emr/)

The Capellini Lab is excited to have Dr. Sarah Rice (Sarah Rice) visit the lab for two weeks to talk shop, present her science, and learn protocols! We hope she has a safe journey to the States.

Congrats to my post-doc Dr. Clarissa Coveney (pronounced Cove-a-knee) for winning best poster award at the MGH Center for Skeletal Research Symposium for her work on activating/repressing domains at the GDF5 locus! Hard work and brilliance pays off!!!!

What an amazing EMBO Limb meeting in Dresden run by the wonderful Tatiana Sandoval & Rolf Zeller with terrific co-organizers Aimée Zuniga 🕊, Megan Davies, Elly Tanaka. Thanks for inviting me and organizing a great conference.

At #EMBOlimbDev I presented some amazing work on the pelvis by the terrific postdoc in the lab Gayani Senevirathne! Congrats on such cool work Gayani

Had a great time presenting at Queen Mary University of London the wonderful work from my lab by the terrific post-doc Dr. Clarissa Coveney (pronounced Cove-a-knee). Thanks to TheReGenLab, Francesco Dell' Accio and Suzanne Eldridge for inviting and hosting me today!

Super cool work from Gayani Senevirathne

Congrats to Alexander Okamoto for this terrific work! I find it to be a pretty cool approach to leveraging the power of comparative genomics to identify putative causal variants underlying mammalian traits.

For only the second time in our 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Kamala Harris. | Editorial bit.ly/4daH36q