Special Advisory Council for Myanmar
An independent group of international human rights experts working for peace, genuine democracy, justice and accountability in Myanmar.
ID: 1363098902765920258
https://specialadvisorycouncil.org/ 20-02-2021 12:12:07
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Great and clear article by Charles Petrie that gives international readers much-needed visibility into the motivations, aspirations, principles and methods of individuals and groups at the heart of #Myanmar's Spring Revolution... 1/6🧵

Veteran HR activist Khin Ohmar on why the incredible diversity, inclusivity, collaboration & unifying vision of the Spring Revolution makes it the most transformative political movement in modern #Myanmar history. Essential reading for int'l community👇 english.dvb.no/myanmar-at-a-c…

'"Women's Peace Network calls upon the #UN, the UN Security Council, and the international community to act for the immediate protection of #Rohingya civilians remaining in #Rakhine State." #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar myanmar-now.org/en/news/fleein…

"There is little that internationals can do, at this point, to derail resistance groups who see this as an historic chance to eliminate Myanmar’s primary agent of instability and suffering." 👇Ye Myo Hein #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #MyanmarRevolution

On #RohingyaGenocide Remembrance Day, Blood Money Campaign,Defend Myanmar Democracy and PV stand in solidarity w/ the #Rohingya, demanding justice & accountability for victims & survivors. We call for restoring Rohingya rights, incl. citizenship & meaningful inclusion. 🔗bit.ly/3X2yHaG

Isabel Todd of Special Advisory Council for Myanmar “What we were met with [after the coup], which really floored us, actually was this sense of inertia and complacency from the international community..." insightmyanmar.org/complete-shows…