In Spring 2019 semester, new members recruitment of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award at IUB - DEA IUB is going on.#deaiub #club #team #teamwork #IUB #skill #physicalrecreation #service #adventurousjourney #leadership #training #camping #award #Dukeofedinburg #awardcoordinator
Our official recruitment for Spring 2019 is here and so your opportunity to be a part of DEA IUB.Look for our booth infront of DoSA .
#Youtube_Link #deaiub #club #teamwork #IUB #skill #physicalrecreation #service #adventurousjourney #leadership #duke
Our official recruitment for Spring 2019 is here and so your opportunity to be a part of DEA IUB.Look for our booth infront of DoSA .
#Youtube_Link #deaiub #club #teamwork #IUB #skill #physicalrecreation #service #adventurousjourney #leadership #duke
seeThisT-Shirt on my newsteed a while back I don't know much abeul Teespring T-shirt can you suggestme how it wll be?……