Sett Records
ID: 927383327736324101
http://settrecords.com 06-11-2017 03:53:10
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Very pleased to see Autumn Autumn-U.S. getting some love in Big Takeover magazine!👍bigtakeover.com/news/album-pre…

So very cool of NYC's Big Takeover to host the premiere of autumn's new 3-track single 'the fall', produced by celebrated post-punk / goth rock producer William Faith, forthcoming via Chicago-based Sett Records ~ bigtakeover.com/news/album-pre… Autumn-U.S.

Autumn returns after 18 years with new single, announces new album regenmag.com/news/autumn-re… via @regenmag Autumn-U.S.

Thanks to the MondoRaro for featuring the forthcoming single 'the fall' from autumn ~ 3 tracks including 1 by William Faith of The Bellwether Syndicate Bellwether Syndicate (he also produces) ~ fb.me/1nGXzTyzq Autumn-U.S.

Thanks to Ilker at @RegenMag for announcing the return of Minneapolis-based trio 'autumn' Autumn-U.S. with their new single "the fall", produced by post-punk rocknoir legend William Faith ~ regenmag.com/news/autumn-re…

This episode of the d|sonoras podcast features new tracks from autumn Autumn-U.S. (via Sett Records), The Decrees @TDecrees, @OnTheWaneBand & legendary psych-gazers The Telescopes the telescopes (via Yard Press) ~ dsonoras.blogspot.ca/2017/11/dsonor…

This music to watch wrap-up from Noise Journal features @BroadsofNorfolk, Claudio Conti, Equinox with Feral Five, connect_icut connect_icut (via Aagoo Records), and autumn Autumn-U.S. (via Sett Records) ~ noisejournal.com/2017/11/noise-…

We are honored to have our very first release as a label by Autumn Autumn-U.S. premiered in Big Takeover -- a staple journal in the alternative/indie world for nearly 40 years now. Cheers to Shauna at Shameless Promotion PR for making it happen! 🖤 bigtakeover.com/news/album-pre…

Thanks to David Wright for playing music from autumn's new single 'the fall' on Britain's @RadioScilly radioscilly.com . Produced by William Faith and being released via Sett Records, there are three awesome tracks here autumn-us.bandcamp.com/album/the-fall… …

Lovely review of autumn's Autumn-U.S. new single in DancingAboutArchitecture DanceAboutArchiteure. 🖤dancingaboutarchitecture.info/2017/11/28/the…

Lovely review of autumn's Autumn-U.S. single "The Fall" for Noise Journal! 🖤 noisejournal.com/2017/12/review…