Samuel Kramer is samkra.bsky.social
History PhD Candidate. Researches #CEE democratization and identity. Tweets #HistoryTwitter #AcademicTwitter Views my own. Retweets =/= endorsements.
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16-10-2022 10:16:50
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What can the Development/For! alliance's time in coalition teach its European counterparts? My latest in FPRI Baltic Initiative Foreign Policy Research Institute fpri.org/article/2022/1…

In Estonia, economic and social power coalesces in its cities. Rural dissatisfaction now fuels anti-establishment forces. What does this portend for wider Europe? My latest in New Eastern Europe : neweasterneurope.eu/2023/06/14/est… #estonia #eesti #Europeanunion #demokraatia

BY postgrads, FOR postgrads. Not limited to St Andrews students. Present/discuss your work to your peers in a comfortable and open-minded space. Looking forward to seeing you there! Basil Bowdler #cfp #earlymodernhistory

Excited to share my latest in The Diplomat. I discuss how South Korea has deepened its security cooperation with the Euro-Atlantic in the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and how the Camp David summit was partly a culmination of these trends. thediplomat.com/2023/09/why-so…

Centre Party's Juri Ratas tried making it mainstream. Last 7 yrs: 3 coalitions, 2 lacklustre elections, 1 party in disarray. With new leader Mihhail Kõlvart, Centre will be more populist & more Tallinn-centric. My latest for Foreign Policy Research Institute FPRI Baltic Initiative fpri.org/article/2023/1…

Doubling Down: Estonia’s Center Party Gamble on Mihhail Kõlvart fpri.org/article/2023/1… Samuel Kramer is samkra.bsky.social Foreign Policy Research Institute FPRI Baltic Initiative