ryan mixon
Masters in Social Work from UTSA. Special interests in education, disability rights, and human trafficking. Current board member with @LEARNAfg
ID: 1478855067994370049
05-01-2022 22:25:13
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"We must all share #AfghanGirlsVoices widely across the🌎because they're being denied their right to learn, to be seen & heard. As an educator, I know how important it is that we show them our support." ~Pashtana Zalmai Khan Durrani پښتنه درانی Education Cannot Wait's campaign👉educationcannotwait.org/afghan-girls-v… United Nations

Education is the key to the future. Please support leaders like Crystal Bayat and Pashtana Zalmai Khan Durrani پښتنه درانی, and support organizations like Hope For Her International, Durbeen, and LEARN

I recently witnessed a young woman being verbally abused by their parent. Please be a supportive parent like Ziauddin Yousafzai. Several amazing advocates like Malala Yousafzai and Pashtana Zalmai Khan Durrani پښتنه درانی had such loving parents. That's not a coincidence. Build them up. Please be kind to your children.

She have dressed the yellow,some one have pale upon on her, the lover have a yellow colour, when the beloved have jaudience, the pale yellowish girl is come, she had yellow flowers in her hair. #Sundayfeeling #TheGOAT #JusticeForMoumita #viral Janis...🙏🏼🫶🏼☮️🌻🟦🌈

I want to give praise to Shafique Khan, my brother in advocacy. Even as he works through the chaotic schedule in medical school, he still makes the time to advocate for good quality education for everyone 🙏

Let's fight for human rights together, and may we all be able to find those that will support us on our journey. May we all create a world of dreams and opportunity. Ziauddin Yousafzai, Crystal Bayat, Shafique Khan, Pashtana Zalmai Khan Durrani پښتنه درانی, Hope For Her International, LEARN, Malala Fund, Durbeen

"It's time for the world to make the accountability mechanism work. Gender Apartheid should be recognized as a crime against humanity." Very powerful Fawzia Koofi!