Rüdiger Voss
ID: 2314232310
27-01-2014 20:09:01
58 Tweet
32 Following

How do #history #ecology & #economy bond together? Sneak preview of Rüdiger Voss creatively breathing life into all three fields #ASC22. Stay tuned for 2 talks on #small-scale fisheries around 1918 + a #HowTo on bio-economic modeling moderated by a bilingual hand puppet!#KMS iDiv Biodiversity Research

Concerned about the #BalticSea? In our OA paper Rüdiger Voss and I analyse reaction & adaptation of the western Baltic fishery system to historic socio-economic hazards to gain insights for today's management. Spoiler: Not much left to do media.springernature.com/full/springer-…

Legendärer Vortrag von Rüdiger Voss auf dem Parl Abend von BUND & Deutsche Umwelthilfe zu #EBFM. 🤩 Danke an alle die mit uns über 🐟 & 🌊 diskutiert haben u. an die phänomena(a)len Hosts Anna Kassautzki Daniel Schneider 🙏

Off-Season? Not at #WFC2024! Check out the animated football game of MSY vs MEY (Munich Schnitzel Youngsters vs Munich Eisbein Young Boys) played at the Western Baltic Field and presented by Rüdiger Voss on Tuesday, Mar 05.