Rangita de Silva
International Women's Rights Scholar and Assoc. Dean for International @PennLaw
ID: 612798335
https://www.rangitadesilva.com/ 19-06-2012 19:33:29
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Back in class on WPS University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School & Wharton teaching Resolution 2417, intentional starvation of civilians may constitute a war crime. Hunger must not be weaponized. My students discussing Article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Rome Statute proscribing intentionally using starvation of civilians
Two stars in my class: Catherine Amirfar secured the 1st ruling from an International Tribunal on States' legal obligations to address climate change. & Amy E Weaver President of Salesforce, the top AI CRM. Watch her commencement address: youtube.com/watch?v=Co0TQk…
.Karen Tani concludes her erudite lecture with a quote from the Prophetic Imagination: " It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination, to keep conjuring &proposing alternatives to the single one the king wants to urge as the only thinkable one."
.Karen Tani concludes her erudite lecture with a quote from the Prophetic Imagination: " It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination, to keep conjuring &proposing alternatives to the single one the king wants to urge as the only thinkable one."
My friend Amy E Weaver president of Salesforce- the #1 AI CRM, has redefined leadership & uses the business platform for the global public good, including showing us how to close the gender pay gap. Thank you for inspiring my students University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
A panel discussion last Wednesday with Shukria Barakzai Fawzia Koofi Naheed A. Farid Hanifa Ghirowal, Catherine Amirfar, Payam Akhavan, Valerie Ootserverld & Gissou Nia | گیسو نیا on CEDAW & Accountability. My fabulous Harvard University student Muqtader Omari as Rapporteur.
With my much-admired friend mayaharris - distinguished legal expert, policy expert, & gender expert. She dropped everything when I asked her to join my students.
.Maya Harris- Making history
My great ally craig newmark, tech pioneer & founder of Craigslist in my class University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School on his philanthropic work on cybersecurity & supporting a gender perspective in Wikipedia. In his words- "the history of our times must be written by female editors."
And thank you craig newmark for saying you learn from me. So grateful for your work on cybersecurity through your philanthropies.