Philip Carella
Exploring the evolution of plant-microbe interactions @JohnInnesCentre
ID: 751465235949563904
https://www.jic.ac.uk/people/philip-carella/ 08-07-2016 17:17:28
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🆕 #Preprint Alert❣️Magnum Opus of brilliant Phd Students Víctor Sánchez de Medina & Marintia Nava, helped by many amazing people. They discovered a new Selective Autophagy Receptor (#SAR), essential for #proteostasis using #comparative_cell_biology biorxiv.org/cgi/content/sh… 🧵

We're recruiting! Looking for a postdoc in a fun and inclusive lab doing cutting edge #CryoEM in a great city? Come join us Imperial College London and be part of an interdisciplinary team funded by Wellcome Imperial Life Sciences imperial.ac.uk/jobs/search-jo…

The final version of our Fusarium review is now online! First time contributing to composite review figures—huge thanks to Amey Redkar and all the co-authors for this opportunity! Also big thanks to the AR illustration team for polishing our submission 😊 annualreviews.org/content/journa…

Enoch Enoch Lok Him Yuen Tolga Bozkurt describing his beautiful work on a Phytophthora effector that subverts host RabGAP #PPATH24

Happy to see the endosperm part of the wheat MRC story finally published in Plant Physiology! Stay tuned for more on MRC in leaves! academic.oup.com/plphys/advance…

Painting by numbers: Flowers like hibiscus use an invisible blueprint early in petal formation that dictates the size of their bullseyes! Awesome work by Lucie Riglet & Edwige Moyroud's Team Hibiscus with modelling by Argyris Zardilis Read Science Advances paper science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Congrats Lucie, Edwige Moyroud and team! The bees like big bullseyes and they cannot lie!

I'm very grateful to The Royal Society and the many researchers who have helped me along the way to securing this fellowship. Looking forward to getting started! #meiosis4eva

KhongSam Chia Fourth talk by KhongSam Chia , Exploring the Functional Diversity of NLR Immune Receptors in Divergent Land Plant Lineages

It was a pleasure to host Salaudeen Salaudeen Bandanaa in the lab this summer for his MSc project. Salaudeen worked on parasitic nematode effectors with Daniel Daniel Lüdke