Daniel Oto-Peralías
Department of Economics, Pablo de Olavide University. Economics, history and geography. Dad (x3).
ID: 916647165774188544
https://otoperalias.github.io/ 07-10-2017 12:51:29
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#JEI2024 #Sevilla Our colleague Paula Gonzalez Paula González in the welcome address at the Jornadas de Economia Industrial at Pablo de Olavide Thank you Paula for bringing the Jornadas to Seville!
🚨WORKING PAPER ALERT🚨 In a new work with David Cuberes, Aitor Lacuesta and Carlos Moreno , we document that land concentration increases the probability of hosting a mega photovoltaic (PV) plant. 1⃣ We show that US counties where more than 50% of agricultural land ... [1/10]
Universidades públicas, universidades privadas – el caso de Ciencias de la Salud nadaesgratis.es/antonia-diaz/u… Vía Nada es Gratis #Economía
Attacks in Lebanon represent new development in warfare, where communication tools become weapons, simultaneously exploding across marketplaces & homes as daily life unfolds “This cannot be the new normal” – UN High Commissioner for #HumanRights Volker Türk to Security Council