National Day Riff - Sketch Comedy Podcast (@nationaldayriff) 's Twitter Profile
National Day Riff - Sketch Comedy Podcast


Politically-incorrect, tastefully-inappropriate sketch comedy for your ears. Available wherever you get your podcast fix.

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link calendar_today06-08-2019 16:39:43

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Great Poetry Reading Day - Roses are red, violets are blue. Rhyming words is hard
too. Yay, poetry! #greatpoetryreadingday #poetryreading #poetryday #poetry #sketchcomedy #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

Great Poetry Reading Day - Roses are red, violets are blue. Rhyming words is hard
too. Yay, poetry!

#greatpoetryreadingday #poetryreading #poetryday #poetry #sketchcomedy #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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Poem in Your Pocket Day - How are you going to read it if it’s in your pocket? #poeminyourpocketday #poetry #poems #poem #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

Poem in Your Pocket Day - How are you going to read it if it’s in your pocket?

#poeminyourpocketday #poetry #poems #poem #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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Hairball Awareness Day - When Fluffy gets a hairball, trust us, everyone is aware! Poor Kitty. Just don’t puke on the carpet, please. #hairballawarenessday #hairballawareness #hairball #kitty #cat #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

Hairball Awareness Day - When Fluffy gets a hairball, trust us, everyone is aware! Poor Kitty. Just don’t puke on the carpet, please.

#hairballawarenessday #hairballawareness #hairball #kitty #cat #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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#Loyalty, #May, #MotherGoose, #ChocolateParfait, #Law, #SchoolPrincipals, #SilverStarServiceBanner, #KentuckyDerby, #Fitness, #Scrapbook, #Homebrew, #JoinHands, #Bombshells, #StartSeeingMonarchs, #FreeComicBook, and #PlayOutsideDay, OH MY!

#Loyalty, #May, #MotherGoose, #ChocolateParfait, #Law, #SchoolPrincipals, #SilverStarServiceBanner, #KentuckyDerby, #Fitness, #Scrapbook, #Homebrew, #JoinHands, #Bombshells, #StartSeeingMonarchs, #FreeComicBook, and #PlayOutsideDay, OH MY!
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Lemonade Day - When life gives you lemons, pour a splash of vodka into your lemonade, it makes everything okay. #lemonadeday #lemonade #spikedlemonade #lemons #lemon #vodka #drinking #sketchcomedy #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff @ketelone

Lemonade Day - When life gives you lemons, pour a splash of vodka into your lemonade, it makes everything okay.

#lemonadeday #lemonade #spikedlemonade #lemons #lemon #vodka #drinking #sketchcomedy #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff @ketelone
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Two Different Colored Shoes Day - Sure thing if you want everyone to think you took the short bus to school. #twodifferentcoloredshoesday #shortbus #politicallyincorrect #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff

Two Different Colored Shoes Day - Sure thing if you want everyone to think you took the short bus to school.

#twodifferentcoloredshoesday #shortbus #politicallyincorrect #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff
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May The Fourth Be With You Day - The one day a year those with lisps finally get respect! #maythefourthbewithyou #maythefourth #mayfourth #starwars #theforce #princessleia #lisp #comedy #podcast #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff

May The Fourth Be With You Day - The one day a year those with lisps finally get respect!

#maythefourthbewithyou #maythefourth #mayfourth #starwars #theforce #princessleia #lisp #comedy #podcast #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff
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Cinco de Mayo - Like we need an excuse to drink margaritas, eat chips n salsa and run naked down the street singing Vaya Con Dios. #cincodemayo #margarita #chipsandsalsa #streaking #streaker #vayacondios #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

Cinco de Mayo - Like we need an excuse to drink margaritas, eat chips n salsa and run naked down the street singing Vaya Con Dios.

#cincodemayo #margarita #chipsandsalsa #streaking #streaker #vayacondios #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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World Password Day - We have enough trouble remembering our ATM pin, to hell with a password for the entire world. #worldpasswordday #password #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

World Password Day - We have enough trouble remembering our ATM pin, to hell with a password for the entire world.

#worldpasswordday #password #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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NEW Episode: A Celebration of Life! Listen here: Or wherever you get your podcast fix! #sketchcomedy #snl #comedy #podcast #lostsocks #memorial #politicallyincorrect #nationaldayriff

NEW Episode: A Celebration of Life!

Listen here:
Or wherever you get your podcast fix! #sketchcomedy #snl #comedy #podcast #lostsocks #memorial #politicallyincorrect #nationaldayriff
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We love you, Moms! And we love you Dads who are also Moms! And Dads who want to become Moms! #happymothersday #mothersday #mothers #moms #mom #iloveyoumom #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

We love you, Moms! And we love you Dads who are also Moms! And Dads who want to become Moms!

#happymothersday #mothersday #mothers #moms #mom #iloveyoumom #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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Eat What You Want Day - Not if you’re trying to squeeze into that cute dress you bought that was two sizes too small in the first place 😬 #holdyourbreath #eatwhatyouwantday #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff

Eat What You Want Day - Not if you’re trying to squeeze into that cute dress you bought that was two sizes too small in the first place 😬 #holdyourbreath #eatwhatyouwantday #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff
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3rd Shift Workers Day - Which sounds way better than working Graveyard. Kinda like Vice President in Charge of Custodial Engineering sounds legit compared to Head Janitor. #3rdshiftworkersday #graveyardshift #graveyard #janitor #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

3rd Shift Workers Day - Which sounds way better than working Graveyard. Kinda like Vice President in Charge of Custodial Engineering sounds legit compared to Head Janitor.

#3rdshiftworkersday #graveyardshift #graveyard #janitor #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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#tbt to one of our very first episodes celebrating National Frog Jumping, Fruit Cocktail, Crouton, and Apple Pie Day! Listen here:
 #frogjumpingday #fruitcocktailday #croutonday #applepieday #frogjumping #fruit #apple #pie #comedypodcast #nationaldayriff

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Dance Like A Chicken Day! Go for it, no one will think you escaped the mental ward! #dancelikeachickenday #dancelikeachicken #chickendance #chicken #dance #crazy #hilarious #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

Dance Like A Chicken Day! Go for it, no one will think you escaped the mental ward!

#dancelikeachickenday #dancelikeachicken #chickendance #chicken #dance #crazy #hilarious #comedypodcast #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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Nylon Stocking and Learn to Swim Day - Just don’t wear your mom’s stockings to swimming lessons; well, unless you’re into that sorta thing. #nylonstockingday #nylonstocking #learntoswimday #learntoswim #swimminglesson #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

Nylon Stocking and Learn to Swim Day - Just don’t wear your mom’s stockings to swimming lessons; well, unless you’re into that sorta thing.

#nylonstockingday #nylonstocking #learntoswimday #learntoswim #swimminglesson #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff
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LGBT Elder Bruce had always dreamed of owning a 7-11. But first, he had an appointment to get a piercing in the nether regions. Listen to “Bruce’s Ding-a-Ling” Here:
 #honorourlgbteldersday #lgbt #sketchcomedy #comedy #podcast #nationaldayriff

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Encore: The Great Ground Hog Grabbing
 via Audioboom #sketch #sketchcomedy #podcast #riff #politically #incorrect #inappropriate #funnyshit #lol #lmao #nationaldaycalendar #day #calendar #celebrateeveryday #everyday #saturdaynightlive #SNL #groundhogday