Have a look at all the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fun we are having at Maidenhill.
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Last week our peers from P5 visited us and asked to make a bird box with us. We worked together and shared our knowledge of woodwork. We showed them how to use the hammer and the saw and helped them with the design ERCMaidenhillSTEM Maidenhill Primary School Froebel Friends ERC Froebel Trust
Primary 4a and 4b made posters highlighting the impact technology has on their lives. 🤖 ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability ERC Digihub #buildingERCsSTEMpire
Join us this afternoon at our STEM Fair and see what we have been learning. ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
Our learners are busy this morning sharing with their peers all the things they have learnt about sustainability at our STEM Fair. ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
Taking part in interactive stalls at the STEM fair. ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability Maidenhill Primary School #buildingERCsSTEMpire
Thank you to those that came along this afternoon to visit our STEM Fair and interact with our pupils. Maidenhill Primary School ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
Some wonderful conversations this afternoon between parents/carers and our pupils, discussing their learning and showing off what they know. Maidenhill Primary School ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
Primary 6/7 were developing their woodworking skills this morning. They have started creating toy vehicles for their engineering project 🚗 They measured the wood, cut them to size, and drilled holes for their axles to eventually go in 🪚 ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
P7a developed their dexterity and sewing skills by learning how to cross-stitch. They had a go at making their initials. 🧶🪡 ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
P6/7 were hard at work yesterday. They finished making the frames for their toy vehicles and used their knowledge of electrical circuits to build their own motors. Lots of creative and critical thinking involved. ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
P5b were hard at work this morning practising their coding skills. They had to think critically and plan out their algorithms to complete the challenges given to them. ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire
P6/7 finished creating their toy vehicles this morning. They developed many practical skills over the course of this project, such as: woodwork, electronics, and design, to name a few. ERC STEM & Learning for Sustainability #buildingERCsSTEMpire