Learning by Questions
#LbQ is a multi award-winning classroom resource that improves education with a pedagogy based on timely feedback, interventions and reduces teacher workload.
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http://www.lbq.org 28-06-2016 15:31:27
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Forget the usual 'getting to know you' intros—let’s make the start of the school year unforgettable! 🙌 Sophie Bartlett has handpicked 9 brilliant activities to help everyone get to know each other a bit better. 🔗 bit.ly/gettoknowyourc… #LbQ

International Literacy Day is on September 8th, but why limit the celebrations? Sophie Bartlett highlights the benefits of reading for pleasure, and shares some ideas on how to instil this in your pupils. #LbQ lbq.org/primary/hub/po…

Instructions for the Julian Opie portraits from my Learning by Questions blog (🔗 bit.ly/gettoknowyourc…) Not very technical and probably cheating a bit but: 1) Take photos of faces close up in good lighting 2) Trace outline (and other key features, eg nostrils & pupils) in Sharpie… 1/2

👖🧬 Jeans for Genes Day 2024 will take place this month and you can get involved with your students with our KS3 Question Set: Discovery of DNA. Here's Al from LbQ Secondary Science to tell you more! 👇🏻 🔗 bit.ly/discoveryofdna #LbQScience | Jeans for Genes UK

Very impressed with this class's effort this first week. Well done Chorley St James Year 6 On with our first Learning by Questions today!