Laura Kahn
Physician, Policy Researcher, Author, Columnist with @BulletinAtomic, Co-Founder @OneHealthNews, Advisory Board member @BiosafetyNow. Promoting One Health.
ID: 611654345 18-06-2012 12:47:57
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Powerful Opening Remarks By Jay Bhattacharya From The Stanford Pandemic Policy Conference *apologies for the amateurish videography*
“As a species, we are really uncomfortable with uncertainty.” —Dr. Laura Carstensen, MC of today's StanfordHealthPolicy conference, "Pandemic Policy: Planning the Future, Assessing the Past" I'll be moderating the final panel later today, "COVID-19 Origins and the Regulation of
Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya welcomes attendees of the #PandemicPolicyReform conference, saying: “During pandemics, the public depends on experts to share their expertise openly without fear or favor and to speak their minds openly about their scientific and policy evaluations. By
In stark contrast to Gregg Gonsalves’ reliably prejudiced mischaracterization of people with different views The StanfordHealthPolicy conference has brought people with different perspectives together for collegial discourse. The diversity of views here, sitting together & sharing
Was the #COVID19 pandemic ignited by a poorly regulated wildlife trade or zoonoses? Or was it due to dangerous lab experiments and inadequate protocols to prevent leaks? These questions are asked of panelists on 4th #PandemicPolicyReform panel moderated by Jan Jekielek. Panelists
John Ioannidis, Stanford Medicine professor of medicine and of epidemiology and population health, closes the #PandemicPolicyReform conference by encouraging scientists, policymakers & politicians who debate the handling of the #COVID19 pandemic “to have an open spirit of challenging