Kate Short
ID: 828367602
17-09-2012 05:06:00
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And the overall Women of Influence winner is… Professor Julie Leask AO from University of Sydney Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery. She is globally recognised for research into the social and behavioural aspects of vaccination. Congrats! 🙋‍♀️ 🍾 #100woi @Syd_Health
Stopping to remember #fourthreetwo aboriginal deaths in custody at 4.32 today. We must address systemic racism and #intergenerationaltrauma as the root cause of death and health inequities today. #UluruStatement. Our Health in Our Hands ❤️💛🖤 Public Health Australia Melissa Sweet
Congratulations Lowitja Institute Our first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled research institute in Australia. A significant milestone in the Academy. Well done Aunty Pat Anderson AO Dr Janine Mohamed and team! @GregHuntMP Our Health in Our Hands ❤️💛🖤 Melissa Sweet
Couldn’t have done this without our fabulous collaborators Penny Dakin ARACY - Every Child Thriving Lynn Kemp Western Sydney University THANK YOU