The @JupiterExchange DAO account. Tap follow and turn notifications on for updates about voting and governance. 😽
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https://www.jup.eco/ 12-05-2024 08:48:28
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Want to know how to work in JupiterDAO? We learned the hard way so you don't have to👇

Don't miss this Thurday's JUP & JUICE where they'll be talking MockJup and their upcoming vote. Tune in on at 8PM UTC by following cohosts: S A 𝕏 | JUP & JUICE 🧃 or @wakeGMI

OK, 2 things 1. Don't miss JUP & JUICE: Today 8PM UTC w/ MockJUP | zer0! 2. Leave feedback for vote: jupresear.ch/t/jup-juice-wo…