Cutting-edge research in immunology from around the world, and commentaries by thought leaders. Cell Press. Tweets by Immunity editors.
ID: 295993800
http://www.cell.com/immunity 10-05-2011 00:59:01
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Memory B cells with similar Ag reactivity as naive B cells rapidly differentiate into ASCs without GC re-entry, whereas affinity maturation of naive B cells underlies improved humoral immunity vs novel antigens Immunity Hedda Wardemann Anna Obraztsova cell.com/immunity/fullt…

OBS Seminar Immune Cell migration and regulation across tissues 📆 Thu, 08/29/2024 8 am PT/11am ET/3pm GMT/5pmCEST 🎙️ Dr. Silvia Galván Peña Harvard Medical School @umasschan Science Immunology 🎙️ Orian Bricard Adrian Liston Cambridge Pathology Immunity Registration 👇 us02web.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

Exhilarated to share the first original study from my lab published online Immunity. A great team endeavor spearheaded by the fantastic Sofia Pereira Das Neves 😁 “Meningeal lymphatic function promotes oligodendrocyte survival and brain myelination” authors.elsevier.com/a/1jhWg3qNrUxu…

Check out this elegant work led by Sofia Pereira Das Neves & Sandro Da Mesquita on #lymphatics, #oligodendrocytes & #myelination just published Immunity. Many congrats to them and all co-authors. Happy to have contributed with #lipidomic analysis.