Ali Hassan (@hassan466311) 's Twitter Profile
Ali Hassan


There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it!

ID: 1728832947762126848

calendar_today26-11-2023 17:48:20

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202 Following

The President's Office (@presidencymv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

މަތީ ޘާނަވީގެ އެންމެ ރަނގަޅު ނަތީޖާ ޙާޞިލްކުރި ދަރިވަރުންނަށް، ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ދެއްވާ ޚާއްޞަ ސްކޮލަރޝިޕާއި، ހައި އެޗީވަރސް ސްކޮލަރޝިޕް ޙަވާލުކުރުމުގެ ޖަލްސާގައި ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ޑރ.މުޙައްމަދު މުޢިއްޒުގެ ދެކަނބަލުން ބައިވެރިވެވަޑައިގަންނަވަނީ

މަތީ ޘާނަވީގެ އެންމެ ރަނގަޅު ނަތީޖާ ޙާޞިލްކުރި ދަރިވަރުންނަށް، ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ދެއްވާ ޚާއްޞަ ސްކޮލަރޝިޕާއި، ހައި އެޗީވަރސް ސްކޮލަރޝިޕް ޙަވާލުކުރުމުގެ ޖަލްސާގައި ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ޑރ.މުޙައްމަދު މުޢިއްޒުގެ ދެކަނބަލުން ބައިވެރިވެވަޑައިގަންނަވަނީ
The President's Office (@presidencymv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރުގައި މަތީ ތަޢުލީމާ ތަޖްރިބާ ޙާޞިލްކުރައްވައިގެން ވަޒީފާ އަދާކުރައްވާ ދިވެހީންނަށް ޤައުމަށް އެނބުރި ވަޑައިގަތުމަށް ވިސްނެވުމަށް އަޅުގަނޑު އިލްތިމާސްކުރަން. އެފަދަ ބޭފުޅުންނަށް އެކަށީގެންވާ މުސާރައާ ފުރުޞަތު ރާއްޖެއިން ފަހިކޮށްދޭން ސަރުކާރުން މަސައްކަތްކުރާނަން -

Hassan Kurusee (@hkurusee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‼️Janah Mohamed Ali & Nurain Janah owe 12.5 million MVR to gov. 🔹#4 Hotels and Resort Construction Pvt Ltd 🔹They are both shareholders. 🔹Nurain is Managing Director These two people mistreat expat workers, confiscate their passports & do nasty things. They owe money to

‼️<a href="/JanahMohamedAli/">Janah Mohamed Ali</a> &amp; <a href="/NurainJanah/">Nurain Janah</a> owe 12.5 million MVR to gov.

🔹#4 Hotels and Resort Construction Pvt Ltd

🔹They are both shareholders.

🔹Nurain is Managing Director

These two people mistreat expat workers, confiscate their passports &amp; do nasty things. They owe money to
Dhivehi Archives by Naajih Didi (@naajihdidi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#DhivehiArchives A photograph of shot in January 1894 by an HMS Brisk crew member during a mission to Malé to investigate the removal of Sultan Shamsuddeen III and the enthroning of Sultan Imaduddin VI. Presently, it is kept in the National Maritime Museum of UK.

A photograph of shot in January 1894 by an HMS Brisk crew member during a mission to Malé to investigate the removal of Sultan Shamsuddeen III and the enthroning of Sultan Imaduddin VI. Presently, it is kept in the National Maritime Museum of UK.
Dhivehi Archives by Naajih Didi (@naajihdidi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A copy of this photograph was also included among the photos in a book handwritten by Sheikh Hussein Salahuddin. The caption for that photo reads, "Dhorhee Kaleygefaanu's house. This is an old, respected house in Male'."

A copy of this photograph was also included among the photos in a book handwritten by Sheikh Hussein Salahuddin. The caption for that photo reads, "Dhorhee Kaleygefaanu's house. This is an old, respected house in Male'."
Dhivehi Archives by Naajih Didi (@naajihdidi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dhorhee Kaleygefaanu's real name was As-Sayyid Al-Khatib Ibrahim bin Muhammad Al-Husayni Ba'alawi. His father was As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Moosa Al-Husayni Ba'alawi. His mother was Amina Manike, daughter of Sheikh Al-Khatib Muhammad Bodu Naaib Thakurufaanu of Maradhoo, Addu Atoll.

Mariyam Shiuna (@shiuna_m) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lawyer Asif އަހަރުމެން މާ ހަމްދަރުދީވޭ އާސިއްޕެއާމެދު. އެމްޑީޕީން ކޮންމެވެސް ބަރަހަނާ ފިލުމެއްގެ ލީޑްރޯލް ކުޅުވާފަ ބްލެކްމެއިލްކޮށްގެން ގެންދިޔަ އަޑު އިވުނީމަ ވަރަށްދެރަވެސްވި. އެކަމަކު ޔާމީނަށްޓަކާ އޭނާ 5 އަހަރު ޖަލުގަ ބޭއްވި އަނިޔާވެެރި އިބްރާހިމާ އެއްދާނުގަ އޮވެފަ އަނެއްކާ ޔާމީނަށްޓަކާ

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@drloupis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Linda Yaccarino Dave Portnoy Now we understand the unfair treatment of pro-Palestinian accounts on X. We also understand why Jewish accounts are allowed to incite violence and death of civilians and never get suspended.

د.انتصار الميسري (@enr3nahhnlif7bc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

المشهد قاسي ولأقسى إن العرب قادرة ان توقفه…،ولم تفعل…. يا أهل العروبه هل ركعتم لهم هل الكراسي اهم من هولاء الأطفال … الله ينتقم من اسرائيل قًول أمين 🤲 اللهم انصر فلسطين

المشهد قاسي ولأقسى إن العرب قادرة ان توقفه…،ولم تفعل….
يا أهل العروبه هل ركعتم لهم هل الكراسي اهم من هولاء الأطفال …
الله ينتقم من اسرائيل
قًول أمين 🤲 
اللهم انصر فلسطين
Ali Hassan (@hassan466311) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why are so many Sri Lankan employees in the Maldivian tourism sector, and why are some mistreating local staff? It’s time to ensure fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for Maldivians in our own industry Sri Lanka Tweet 🇱🇰 BBC News (UK) Min. of Higher Edu, Labour and Skills Development