Greater Good
Your source for the Science of a Meaningful Life | Based @UCBerkeley | Home of the #happinesspod | Click link for more
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Have you ever known you're dreaming while you're asleep? Our guests try practices to help induce lucid dreams, and we hear what they can teach us about consciousness. Listen now: tinyurl.com/sohdreams PRX Apple Podcasts Marylee Williams Michaeleen Doucleff, PhD

Loving-kindness meditation, or 'metta,' has ancient roots in Buddhist traditions. Research shows it can boost capacity for love, life satisfaction, and enhance brain areas for empathy. Listen here: tinyurl.com/lovingkindpod John Templeton Foundation Penguin Random House 🐧🏠📚 UCBerkeley Psychology

With the U.S. election swiftly approaching, the political divide can feel overwhelming. But what happens when we recognize the limits of our knowledge and beliefs? 🔍 Listen here: tinyurl.com/newperspod PRX Tania Israel Daryl Van Tongeren UC Santa Barbara John Templeton Foundation

Boundary-setting and self-compassion are vital practices to help protect your well-being and promote a positive school culture. Greater Good Lisa Baylis How to Set Boundaries as an Overworked Educator greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/h…