EnriCo - Uni Goettingen
Interdisciplinary research training group investigating the functioning of pure & mixed beech/conifer forest ecosystems. @DFG_public funded @unigoettingen based
ID: 1373534727924240384
https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/574316.html 21-03-2021 07:19:46
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The mobile lift, or skyjack, was transported to one of our plots in preparation for fieldwork! Rebecca Schwutke will use it to access the tree canopy and measure heat sensitivity this summer 🌿☀️
Pure Douglas fir on loamy soil leads to highly elevated nitrate in soil solution. But not in mixture with beech! #douglasfir #nitrate Find the new paper by Klara Mrak here: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Michela Audisio 's PhD journey came to a happy end with her defense about the role of mycorrhizae in tree nutrition and performance 🌳🍄 We are also very excited to share that she will continue to work with us as a postdoc 🎓🎉 Congratulations to Dr. Michela Audisio! #PhDone
We had an unforgettable excursion to the Bavarian National Park, hiking through forests, checking out research plots and visiting animal enclosures. Thanks to our guide Prof. Jörg Müller Field Station Fabrikschleichach , we got great insights into their research and could fully enjoy the local nature
A new paper is out! Species-identity is crucial in determining the drought tolerance of a species in mixed stands! 👉doi.org/10.1093/treeph… #PlantScience #ecophys #drought #hydraulics Sharath S Paligi
A new study about root published recently! 'Root overlap and allocation of above- and belowground growth of European beech in pure and mixed stands of Douglas fir and Norway spruce' 👉doi.org/10.1016/j.fecs… Amani Lwila
Using beech and Douglas-fir saplings, we found that carbon is exchanged between ectomycorrhizal fungi, but not between co-existing tree hosts 👉doi.org/10.1111/nph.19… Michela Audisio
Check out how the effects of forest composition, admixtures and presence of the non-native tree Douglas-fir alter the relationship between rodents and seeds! 🐭🌰 Pedro Mittelman doi.org/10.1111/1365-2…
Congrats to our very own Alice Penanhoat on successfully defending her PhD! 🥳 We enjoyed a very nice talk on individual tree architecture, stand structure and their effects on ecosystem functioning in mixed forests. Enjoy the well-deserved celebration Alice Penanhoat ! 🌲🌳🛰️
And the next successfull defense is in the books! 👩🎓 Larissa Topanotti finishes her PhD with a nice talk about the economic implications of tree species composition and structural diversity for European beech stands enriched with coniferous trees. 🌲🌳 Congrats Dr. Topanotti ! 🥳
Enriching forests for a sustainable future! 🌳🌲 Our new study led by Larissa Topanotti Nathaly Guerrero Ramírez & Carola Paul published Science Advances shows a win-win-win situation by enriching beech forests with Douglas-fir 💰🐛💧 👉Full paper: science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…
Interesting postdoc position in Göttingen available 📣🌳🌾 uni-goettingen.de/de/644546.html… Uni Göttingen Functional Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology Holger Kreft
Thank you very much Micaela for your visit, and to the entire team of the EnriCo - Uni Goettingen project. We hope this experience is the first of a long collaboration🤝✨
Trees can help each other survive droughts! A new study shows how European beech, Norway spruce, and Douglas fir respond to drought stress and highlights how tree species interactions can influence their ability to withstand drought🌳🌲 Christina Hackmann 👉doi.org/10.1093/treeph…
Let's cheer on Pedro! Huge shoutout to Pedro for all his hard work and dedication leading up to his PhD defense on interactions between small mammals and trees according to different forest compositions. 🌳🌲🐭🐁 Congratulations Dr. Mittelman Pedro Mittelman #PhDone #Enrico