Eliana Carranza
Global Lead for Labor & Skills @WorldBank @WBG_SPLabor | 🇵🇪
Alumna @UdelPacifico @Kennedy_School @HarvardEcon | Fellow @iza_bonn
ID: 1220805772705071106
http://scholar.harvard.edu/carranza 24-01-2020 20:29:47
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🚨I am delighted to share our paper which evaluates the impact of a regional employment subsidy in Turkey using a rich administrative dataset. This is joint work with Laurent Bossavie Efşan Nas Özen Metin Nebiler Ana Maria Oviedo and Jochen Kluve. Here is the link to our paper:
Trade not aid? In the early 2000s, the African Growth & Opportunity Act, aka #AGOA, unleashed a brief boom in African manufacturing. The China shock killed it. As Congress debates renewing AGOA, can it be revived? New paper w/ Arvind Subramanian: cgdev.org/publication/lo… 1/
🆕 Reexamining whether, when and how developing country governments should provide job training and job search support Today on VoxDev, Eliana Carranza WB Social Protection & David McKenzie World Bank Research examine new evidence & outline lessons from recent research: voxdev.org/topic/labour-m…
Hello! Please consider applying to a year-long RA position with me, Nathan Nunn Awa Ambra Seck and Jacob Moscona. Project involves ethnographic and historical work on culture and institutions in SSA. Deadline 6/3/24. Econ RA Listings employment.ucsd.edu/research-data-…
Interested in #Economics research, #ImpactEvaluation & #GenderEquality? The World Bank’s #Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) is hiring an ETC Economist w/expertise in firms, labor markets, capital, and/or agriculture. PhD preferred. 🗓️Apply by June 20! worldbankgroup.csod.com/ats/careersite…
Eco reality of 🇮🇳 labour market. The demand-side story in 4 graphs. 🧵 1/4: Female LFP declined bet 2004/5 & 2017-18. Rate of growth of agri emp was negative during this period. Largest % of fem emp is in agri. Eeshani Kandpal Indermit Gill Vijayendra Rao S Anukriti Rachel Glennerster
🆕 Industrial policy for micro, small & medium-sized enterprises Today on VoxDev, Dani Rodrik Harvard Kennedy School & Rohan Sandhu Reimagining the Economy, Harvard Kennedy School outline why the tools of industrial policy must be oriented to smaller firms to promote economic growth & inclusion: voxdev.org/topic/firms/in…
How do algorithms shape market power in the digital economy? Our latest research with Ilan Strauss and Tim O'Reilly in Science & Technology Law Journal examines Amazon's $37.7bn advertising business, revealing how platforms leverage information asymmetries to extract rents from users. Read our findings ➡️