ދިވެހީންގެ ރައީސް ޑރ. މުޢިއްޒުގެ ވެރިކަން ދުލާއި ގަލަމުން ދިފާއު ކުރާނަން
ID: 1088024593
14-01-2013 04:41:19
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"We must abolish the veto." President Dr. Muizzu #MaldivesAtUNGA79 #UNGA79 Dr Mohamed Muizzu
"No Maldivian would, willingly, abandon their homeland, their island. We are determined to protect our islands. And, Insha Allah, we will survive." President Dr. Muizzu #MaldivesAtUNGA79 #UNGA79 Dr Mohamed Muizzu
"The relationship between the Maldives and the United States is crucial, in upholding a rule-based international order in the Indian Ocean." President Dr. Muizzu #MaldivesAtUNGA79 #UNGA79 Dr Mohamed Muizzu
"Anyone who would like to have a say and sway the balance of power in the Indian Ocean, would find the Maldives, an attractive place to influence." President Dr. Muizzu #MaldivesAtUNGA79 #UNGA79 Dr Mohamed Muizzu
"The Maldives, by any measure, is a development success story." President Dr. Muizzu #MaldivesAtUNGA79 #UNGA79 Dr Mohamed Muizzu
President Dr Dr Mohamed Muizzu addresses at the Princeton University | Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA).
ރާއްޖެފަދަ ކުޑަކުޑަ ޤައުމަކާއި ދުނިޔޭގެ ސުޕަރޕަވަރުގެ ގޮތުގައި އޮތް އެމެރިކާއާ ދެމެދު އޮތް ޒަމާންވީ ގާތް ގުޅުމަކީ ކާރޫބާރޫބޮޑު އިންޑިއާ ކަނޑުގެ ސަލާމަތާއި ރައްކާތެރިކަމަށް އޮތް މުހިންމު ގުޅުމެއްގެގޮތުގައި ރައީސް ސިފަކުރެއްވި. Dr Mohamed Muizzu The President's Office
ރާއްޖެފަދަ ކުޑަކުޑަ ޤައުމަކާއި ދުނިޔޭގެ ސުޕަރޕަވަރުގެ ގޮތުގައި އޮރް އެމެރިކާއާ ދެމެދު އޮތް ޒަމާންވީ ގާތް ގުމަކީ ކާރޫބާރޫބޮޑު އިންޑިއާ ކަނޑުގެ ސަލާމަތާއި ރައްކާތެރިކަމަށް އޮތް މުހިންމު ގުޅުމެއްގެގޮތުގައި ރައީސް ސިފަކުރެއްވި. Dr Mohamed Muizzu The President's Office