Dan Saurette
Land Resource Specialist at OMAFRA. Pedologist. Soil scientist. PhD student. Always looking for new horizons. Tweets are my own.
ID: 480657601
01-02-2012 19:00:56
310 Tweet
143 Following
Result of a fun collaboration with Dan Newman from Whitebox Geospatial Guelph Geography on covariate scaling and #DigitalSoilMapping. Assessing spatially heterogeneous scale representation with applied di... sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
New in Geoderma: "Sampling and classifier modification to DSMART for disaggregating soil polygon maps" by TH Easher, D Saurette, E Chappell, FJ Montano Lopez, MO Gasser, A Gillespie, RJ Heck, B Heung, A Biswas. buff.ly/3X3Olk6. Tahmid Huq Easher, Ph.D. Asim Biswas University of Guelph IRDA
⬆️Ed Choice! Re. important work to update the Cdn System of Soil Classification Dan Saurette, Jim Warren & Richard Heck propose a framework for measuring soil drainage! Read the #freeaccess article: bit.ly/3YHh7I9 Canadian Society of Soil Science Canadian Science Publishing #healthysoils Josephine E Sciortino
Closest colour? Maybe 10YR6/6… I think this means I’ll need to get another pint glass with a different Munsell page… Thanks Alberta Soil Science Workshop for the great swag.
Attention students looking for summer work, here is a great opportunity to get involved with agricultural soils and soil health in Ontario. Greenbelt Foundation greenbelt.ca/soil_health_sa…
An initial exploration of divergence metrics for determining optimal sample size in digital soil mapping. Thanks to my collabs Asim Biswas Adam Gillespie Aaron Berg and Dr Richard Heck. School of Environmental Sciences doi.org/10.1016/j.geod…
Happy to share our new work on sampling optimization for digital soil mapping, more work required for proper operationalization of DSM! Thanks Asim Biswas Adam Gillespie Aaron Berg Dr Heck and School of Environmental Sciences for the support! mdpi.com/2073-445X/13/3…
#UofG soil researcher Dr. Asim Biswas is awarded one of Canada’s most prestigious awards for young researchers. Biswas's soil science research helps foster resiliency in agri-food production. School of Environmental Sciences Ontario Agricultural College SOILS AT GUELPH Learn more: news.uoguelph.ca/2024/04/u-of-g…
Amazing end to the Canadian Society of Soil Science conference. Humbled to receive the CF Bentley award for best oral presentation. Thank you to Asim Biswas, School of Environmental Sciences, and Food from Thought for the support to attend the conference and my PhD research.
Job opportunity with Ontario Soil & Crop. Check it out and share with your networks!! ontariosoilcrop.org/wp-content/upl…