Daniel H. Major
Physiotherapist, PhD. Main interests: MSK, self-management, shoulder pain, sports injuries, ACL.
ID: 483938549
https://www.oslomet.no/en/about/employee/danima/ 05-02-2012 15:14:10
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Cool study here by Joshua Zadro et al which found that best practice education, which emphasises most shoulder pain is not serious, led to > reassurance of no serious shoulder condition and that ADL's are safe Vs structure-based education pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38112759/#:~:t….

One-year effectiveness of high-load compared with low-load strengthening exercise on self-reported function in patients with hypermobile shoulders: a secondary analysis from a randomised controlled trial. OPEN ACCESS British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) bjsm.bmj.com/content/bjspor…

New British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) paper, ‘weekend warrior’ physical activity pattern and mortality risk, in a very exciting cohort, the Mexico City Prospective Study. Led by Gary O'Donovan of Universidad de los Andes Full text link: bjsm.bmj.com/content/bjspor…

1/8 What do people with #chronic low back #pain say about their barriers and enablers to #exercise adherence? Read on to find out #Tweetorial Centre for Pain Impact 10.1016/j.jpain.2024.02.002

Avoiding nocebo and other undesirable effects in chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy: An invitation to reflect sciencedirect.com/science/articl… David Hohenschurz European Pain Federation EFIC®

Exercise is advocated by almost all guidelines to manage chronic low back pain. But adherence is often not ideal. Yannick Gilanyi explores barriers and enables to exercise adherence in his great paper, summarised in the thread below

Super useful thread regarding how to interpret and communicate lumbar MRI scan's. Thankyou James Noake

Trying to find an editorial you wrote about "conflicting messages" Mary O'Keeffe and Peter O'Sullivan. Think it was in British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM). Can you send me the link if you understand which editorial I am looking for?

'Tendinopathies of the shoulder are a burdensome problem...However, the clinical outcomes from randomized controlled trials evaluating [current] interventions are largely unremarkable.' ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… Mmoffatt408 Tash Maher Prof Greg Irving

Hard to imagine a more qualified team to write about this topic. Essential reading: Surgery won’t fix my chronic back pain, so what will? theconversation.com/surgery-wont-f… via The Conversation - Australia + New Zealand #4corners