Young Scientist Committee YSC-CRS
Group of young scientists dedicated to developing exciting events and putting initiatives in motion to meet the needs of their peers within @CRSScience
ID: 963901479693307906
http://www.controlledreleasesociety.org/community/YSC/Pages/default.aspx 14-02-2018 22:23:15
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We're grateful to our moderators Cláudia Martins Juan Luis Paris and Quim Pena for facilitating a productive discussion during the Expanding Horizons – YSC Welcomes Nature Portfolio Editors. Let's continue to expand our horizons together! #CRS2024 Controlled Release Society

📢Starting in one hour in room Magenta A! #CRS2024 Controlled Release Society

We are Grateful to @CMartins for chairing and Nikhar Vishwakarma for co-chair the YSC Scientific Workshop session! Special thanks to Amy Logan and all the team members of YSC Scientific Workshop who worked hard for organising this event #CRS2024 Controlled Release Society

Late post: We are Grateful to our moderator Amy Logan and team members of the YSC Careers in Industry Round Table for facilitating a constructive discussion! #CRS2024 Controlled Release Society.

❗️SAVE THE DATE! ❗️The next Local Chapter Meeting of the Controlled Release Society - GerChAt Chapter Germany+Switzerland+Austria will be in a UNESCO World Heritage site: Bern🇨🇭The Luciani Lab looks forward to welcoming you all! 🗓️ 13/14-FEBRUARY-2024 🗓️ Stay tuned, more information soon! 🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹

In the aftermath of an intense #CRS2024, here is a recap from a young scientist perspective Young Scientist Committee YSC-CRS. This was a Controlled Release Society annual meeting to remember🏅, where we came together to celebrate delivery science and technology. Stay tuned for #CRS2025!🔜 🔗bit.ly/3YoEqtV

Check out the September 2024 Issue of Drug Delivery and Translational Research (EiC Maria Jose Alonso's Lab), an official journal of Controlled Release Society! link.springer.com/journal/13346/… CRS Focus Group-BioEng CRS Focus Group - Gene Delivery and Gene Editing CRS Immuno Delivery CRS NANO CRS Focus Group - Ocular Delivery CRS Oral Delivery Focus Group CRS Focus Group - Skin and Mucosal Delivery CRS Nervous System Delivery Young Scientist Committee YSC-CRS #DrugDelivery

Live now! Opening ceremony of the Asia Pacific Delivery Science Conference 2024 Honoured to have Prof Dato’ Dr Adeeba, President & Pro Vice Cancellor, Monash University Malaysia to officiate our #APDSC2024 #MyCRS #MyCRS10years CRS Taiwan Local Chapter NZCRS Drug Delivery Australia

Outstanding talk by Dr. Tushar Kumeria on porous materials for tissue engineering #APDSC2024 Drug Delivery Australia Controlled Release Society Young Scientist Committee YSC-CRS

We have multiple PhD and Postdoc positions available for those interested in MOFs. Join us, and let's build a strong research team together! Here is one PhD, please distribute #research #postdoc #phd #chemistry Chemjobber uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jo…