Cristian González Cabrera
Human rights lawyer. Senior Researcher at @hrw focusing on gender and sexuality in Latin America and the Caribbean 📸 instagram.com/xtianfergo
ID: 219274202
http://hrw.org 24-11-2010 12:09:49
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In the wake of recent racist & Islamophobic riots in the #UK, the UN’s anti-racism body urged the UK govt to finally right the wrongs committed against the #Windrush generation & Chagossian people, as part of its efforts to tackle systemic #racism. Human Rights Watch hrw.org/news/2024/09/0…

🧵1/3 For the first time since the Taliban took power in 2021, #Germany's government has deported 28 people to Afghanistan. The human rights situation in #Afghanistan is catastrophic, but Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat doesn't seem to care, as they organized the operation. amp.dw.com/en/deportation…

🧵1/3 Zum 1. Mal seit Machtübernahme der Taliban 2021 hat die Bundesregierung 28 Personen nach #Afghanistan abgeschoben. Die Menschenrechtslage dort ist katastrophal. Das scheint dem Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat aber herzlich egal zu sein, es organisierte die Operation. dw.com/de/erster-absc…

A top court in the Dominican Republic has agreed to review a challenge to laws dating from the last century that criminalize gay sex involving members of the army and police force. The Associated Press Dánica Coto: apnews.com/article/domini…

Each year an estimated 7 million people around the world are killed by effects from air pollution. Ahead of the International Day of #CleanAir governments should phase out all fossil fuels to improve air quality and slow global warming. Follow Human Rights Watch shorturl.at/nB0cH.

Una ola de protestas ha estallado en Venezuela desde las elecciones de julio. Las autoridades han respondido con violencia y abusos. NUEVO informe de Human Rights Watch documenta asesinatos, detenciones arbitrarias y acoso a críticos👇 bit.ly/3B1ITJa

🚨 Starting now, press conference with Human Rights Watch’s Executive Director Tirana Hassan on our latest report: “Darién Gap: the jungle where poor migration policies meet.” You can watch the broadcast here 📺👇🏽 youtube.com/watch?v=izu1fw…

Peru's former autocrat, Alberto Fujimori, died yesterday. I grew up under his regime. Initially democratically elected in 1990, Fujimori shut down Congress in 1992 and eliminated all checks on his power--a model many autocrats have followed since. Human Rights Watch 🧵1/7

Powerful piece by Bill Frelick Human Rights Watch on the grotesque stereotyping and fearmongering of #Haitian immigrants in the US, and the urgency of politicians & the public confronting the racism that colours immigration and asylum policies. hrw.org/news/2024/09/1…