Judith Cooke (@conistonjlc) 's Twitter Profile
Judith Cooke


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calendar_today15-10-2022 16:18:23

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Rock'n Roll of All (@rocknrollofall) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was 1976 when George Harrison of The Beatles and Paul Simon took the stage together at Saturday Night Live. The song was born in 1964 when Paul Simon wrote it after coming back to England. Here in this performance, Harrison and Simon grabs their acoustics and perform the song

Judith Cooke (@conistonjlc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am trying to cancel a magazine subscription. There is so much infuriating obfuscation on the website, obviously designed to *stop* you unsubscribing.

Dan Wuori (@danwuori) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s like looking in a mirror. 🪞 Check out the joint attention between this little one (10 weeks) and her big brother - who’s teaching an absolute master class in how to stimulate baby’s brain. I mean, are these two locked in or what? Brother is at baby’s level, up close,

David__Osland (@david__osland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's far nastier to paint over a children's Disney mural at an asylum seeker dentention centre than to take down a portrait of Thatcher at 10 Downing Street. Tell me I'm wrong.

David__Osland (@david__osland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All six Tory leadership contenders have pledged to fight VAT on private schools. Not one of them has promised more money for state schools. And there you have it.

TheBossRoss 🇪🇺 🧶 ❄ 📷 6x💉 (@bettinasross1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We feel comfortable with what we know & often shy away from novelty & change, but change will come, it always has, life changes all the time. There are some who imagine it, even predict it, sometimes wrong, sometimes astonishingly right. People with vision #GoodMorning, everyone