Business Eswatini
We are the leading private sector representative, acting as a bridge for cooperation between businesses, government & organised labour movements.
ID: 1091315563618582528 01-02-2019 12:41:20
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[1/3] Last week, GET.invest, Business Eswatini and the Delegation of the #EuropeanUnion to #Eswatini held a successful private sector training for financiers. The event was attended by 15 participants representing commercial banks, local pension funds and insurance houses 🇸🇿
Business Eswatini EU in Eswatini [2/3] The training was facilitated by two GET.invest #FinanceCatalyst advisors and opened by Mr Maseko from Business Eswatini. It included an overview of #RenewableEnergy technologies and an introduction to financial models & the GET.invest Finance Catalyst and #FundingDatabase 💰
Business Eswatini EU in Eswatini [3/3] GET.invest #Eswatini was established in April 2022 with support from the #EuropeanUnion, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria. It builds on the broader services of our programme, tailoring them to the national 🇸🇿 context. To learn more ➡️…
To support #CleanEnergy project developers and companies in making well-funded market entry decisions, GET.invest offers various information products. These include a funding database, the #MarketInsights, and our resource centre 🔎 Browse now ➡️…
3 weeks until the III EU Green Power Transformation Forum in #Eswatini! On Sept 17-18, the forum will host key players of the local #Renewables sector. The event is organised by Business Eswatini, supported by EU in Eswatini, GET.invest & GET.transform +info: