Alicia Battaglia
Chemistry PhD Candidate @UofT @SeferosGroup (she/her)
ID: 486876241
08-02-2012 19:24:22
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Our latest work is now available in Chemical Communications! We studied the synthesis and optoelectronic properties of radical conjugated polyfluorenes (in collaboration with Mark W.B Wilson). Check it out at pubs.rsc.org/en/content/art…

We are excited to announce that our first seminar series speaker of the year (co-hosted with GreenChemInitiative) is Ashlee Howarth! Come see her talk in-person on Nov. 17th at 1pm (or email [email protected] for zoom link) and sign up for a roundtable discussion: tinyurl.com/gciwictotalk

Just out in ACS Macro Journals! We use post-polymerization modification to synthesize well-defined catechol homopolymers with differing backbone architectures. This protocol is also quantitative in the gel state, allowing us to form insoluble networks. pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.102…

Our first seminar talk co-hosted with GreenChemInitiative is done - a massive thank you to Ashlee Howarth for coming to speak! It was a fantastic talk and an engaging round table discussion afterwards.

Our first symposium is complete! Now for some highlights of the event: The symposium kicked off with a warm welcome from our wonderful WICTO co-presidents Azalea Uva and Alicia Battaglia! Grad student flash talks - thank you to all who presented their amazing research.

Had so much fun at the Women in Chemistry & Friends Dinner tonight with my fellow colleagues from Chemistry at UofT #CSC2023

Thank you to Christine Le and Marc Adler for organizing the Organic Chemistry in 2023 - Showcasing the Diversity of People and Pursuits and for allowing Working towards Inclusivity in Chemistry Toronto to chair one of the sessions. #CSC2023

Congratulations to Alicia Battaglia, whose talk was selected as one of the top three Outstanding Oral Presentations in the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Division at #CSC2023 in Vancouver. Way to go Alicia!

New paper out in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces! We synthesized a series of viologen polymers and studied them as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries. We found that the choice of polymer backbone significantly influences the performance and charge storage mechanism surl.li/liyfu

Just out in Chemistry of Materials! We found that sulfonamide-containing materials are promising candidates as binders and that dimensionality is a key parameter for their use in lithium-ion batteries. Check it out here: pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…