David Monteith
Dean of Canterbury , Chair of the Church of England College of Deans, gardener and poetry reading Irish man in exile.
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15-07-2016 16:50:10
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We pray daily for those bearing the burdens of illness and amongst them we continue to pray for the King and the Princess of Wales. It is nothing but hard for all who live with illness. Canterbury Cathedral

Moved to preach in the chapel of Virginia Theological Seminary This window is created from the coloured light shadow created by our medieval Parable of the Sower in Canterbury Cathedral affirmation and critique.

Luxmuralis and Historic Royal Palaces present Crown and Coronation ✨ Tues 24 – Sat 28 September Experience the splendour of Coronations and the Crown Jewels at Canterbury Cathedral, in this amazing new immersive light show! Tickets: £16 Find out more: canterbury-cathedral.org/crownandcorona…

Now we need to get everyone together to find sane and humane ways forward. It will not be easy but we mustn’t loose our souls just because it is difficult. Canterbury Cathedral

Here Canterbury Cathedral our sincere prayers for peace, law and order to be restored in our land. We are siblings one with another. We can and will demonstrate a better way.

Dean David shared greetings of peace at Friday Prayers in Canterbury Mosque - making friends and building up our precious common life. David Monteith