David Brewerton
A Yorkshireman, European, C.Eng and CITP and radio amateur. A Coeliac who knows gluten-free beer made from barley is nuts!
ID: 123556655
http://brewertons.co.uk 16-03-2010 13:14:35
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Note for BBC Breaking News BBC News (UK) Deliberately ignoring a newsworthy event like today’s rejoin march, or worse still, doing so under instruction from the establishment, is a dereliction of duty, and an insult to your profession. Are you Russia Today or the BBC? Shame on you!
Something that the team at Coeliac_UK alongside myself and the fabulous Aimee Vivian have been working on is a brand new podcast. It's called '100 things I wish I'd known about being gluten free' Listen along here: coeliac.org.uk/information-an… The first episode is ready to
What have the Tories been doing with our director Jo Maugham’s data? We found out...