Dave Hambright
Limnologist interested in aquatic microbial community ecology and evolution; Editor-in-chief of @ASLO_org’s #ASLO_LO
ID: 219478619
http://davehambright.oucreate.com/index.html 25-11-2010 00:02:27
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Very pleased to share this collaborative research led by post doc Haiyuan Cai and grad student Chris McLimans in the OU School of Biological Sciences. OU Research News OU Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences

Check out great work appearing in HA by our team led by Ryan Wagner on the collapse of a freshwater HAB in a #LakeErie embayment. Did dam removal play a role in bloom decline? See doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.…

Very sad to hear. John Raven contributed numerous articles to #ASLO_LO, as well as a great deal of service to journal. He was named an "Outstanding Reviewer for L&O" in Feb 2022 (aslopubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lo…). His service to the journal and field will be sorely missed.