Dāshaun Washington
poet. he/him
ID: 898042260499070978
http://dashaunwashington.com 17-08-2017 04:42:14
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You can now listen to audio recordings by select NER 44.4 contributors—including Dāshaun Washington, Angie Romines, A.J. Rodriguez, & Sean Cho A.—on our site. Experience NER 44.4 in a new way: nereview.com/audio/

Immensely proud that Graywolf Press is reissuing ZONG! As told to the author by Setaey Adamu Boateng by m. nourbeSe philip in September with new preface NourbeSe Philip, new piece Katherine McKittrick, new introduction by Saidiya Hartman. Thanks to Silver Press 🌙! graywolfpress.org/books/zong

That's my baby! Much congratulations Adedayo Agarau!

Sat, Oct 19 7-9pm at MakeOutRoom (doors at 6:30) #ArmenDavoudian, #LuizaFlynnGoodlett, #CindyOk, Pilates Princess , #JosephRios, & Dāshaun Washington bat at topics pitched by the audience Emcee: Daniel Handler Umpires: Brynn Saito & #AndrewSeanGreer Tickets: litquake2024.sched.com/event/1jA45/po…