Nilanjana Dasgupta
social psychologist, professor, and curious traveler who enjoys observing human behavior around the world
ID: 743922963762778112
http://people.umass.edu/nd/ 17-06-2016 21:47:11
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Congratulations Deborah Wu on your new assistant professor position + new marriage! Big milestones. I'm so proud of you.

A better way to conduct replication research. A better way to identify boundary conditions to original findings. And identify how changes in the social context on the ground changed research findings. Great collaboration. Thank you Benedek Kurdi, Mahzarin Banaji and Alex Sanchez

Chancellor Reyes, Javier Reyes, check out this essay that shows one way in which UMass Amherst is ahead of the curve and doing something unique -- that should be replicated at other universities nationwide.

This JPSP paper w/ Benedek Kurdi Mahzarin Banaji Alex Sanchez Montoya involved deeply interesting detective work to uncover why my 20+yr finding showing reduction in implicit race bias (Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001) wasn't working today and how to reliably bring it back psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi…

Great workshop session going on right now National Academies about building authentic sustained partnerships between minority serving institutions and predominantly white institutions to diversify STEM pathways and expand student success

Learning community transforms 1stgen experience in biology in new study rdcu.be/dGD4X. Kudos Deborah Wu. Dr. Linda Ziegenbein says its not lack of talent that prevents 1stgen success. Its lack of belonging. Peers & advocates helps them grow into their potential College of Natural Sciences at UMass Amherst