Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile
Darren AHM


Vocalist of @ahmband | @AHMRecords | #Lokalah @rakitamy Thursday 11am - 1pm with @rpnaqilah | The Rockstar's Guide on @syokpodcast

ID: 42532304

linkhttp://www.facebook.com/anhonestmistake calendar_today26-05-2009 01:18:52

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827 Following

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

News comments sections are the worst. The comment-ors are the worst kind of people that exist. Kindness. We need kindness. We need more of that.

JD Wong - Producer/Mixer/Recordist/Musician (@mixboy2105) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hello folks, I'm super-proud to present my band's brand new single, Gila Kuasa featuring our friend, Noh Salleh. This track is taken from our upcoming album, #PhantomFrequencies. Enjoy the music video via the link below: youtu.be/l-9pWNHO81I

Ahmad Faris (@fungusinthemilk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If youre waiting for your situation to change for you to change, then most probably nothing will change. You have to be willing to change first, then only will your situation change. Change change change.

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

M'sians Can Experience a Redefined World of Sneaker Fashion in A Store's Flagship Outlet at The Gardens Mall! worldofbuzz.com/msians-can-expā€¦

Writers Daily šŸ‡²šŸ‡¾ (@writersdailymy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kepada crowd, okey je nak tengok band yang korang suka tapi jangan lupa discover band-band baru juga. Ramai orang nak scene kita jadi macam Indonesia, supportive. Jadi semua kena bermula dari kita. Datang gig-gig kecil dan bukan sekadar pergi event yang hype dan viral.

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tak kisah la siapa. Ada cara yang betul utk request for favours. Kalau dh berpengalaman dlm industri, mesti la tahu selok belok nya jugak. Adat. Adat tu something yg nk indie mcm mana pun, ini kita tak boleh nak lupa.

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Akmal Saleh. You can disagree but you don't have to be rude. A leader respects other leaders. Not bring them down. Especially with such childish ways. Maybe you need to read a John Maxwell book on leadership. Opinions can be contested especially in your realm. Grow a pair.

Old Head Jin (@oldheadjin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Donā€™t usually do this but this show means so much to me. If youā€™re someone that Iā€™ve helped/shown love/given an opportunity to in the past and I donā€™t see your face this Saturday, Iā€™m 100% gonna take it PERSONALLY ticketmelon.com/tta/dietttf

Donā€™t usually do this but this show means so much to me. If youā€™re someone that Iā€™ve helped/shown love/given an opportunity to in the past and I donā€™t see your face this Saturday, Iā€™m 100% gonna take it PERSONALLY

Rakita.my (@rakitamy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

šŸ§« Bob Cultcha āž”ļø BOB šŸ—£ļø Buka Cerita āž”ļø Neera Azizi šŸ’…šŸ» Next Up! āž”ļø Putri Nur Aqilah šŸŽ¶ Carta Indie Kita āž”ļø BOB & Putri Nur Aqilah šŸ«– Unitea āž”ļø Putri Nur Aqilah āš½ļø MySukan Corner āž”ļø Atoi Tohet & Joe Zakaria šŸŽ® EsukanFM āž”ļø SleepyGodzillas & Masbro šŸŽø Lokalah

om (@xallehrazax) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aku rasa terlalu banyak info gig/show yang tak sampai dekat crowd lah. Nak kena buat channel/group telegram ke? Then boleh lah korang WTB WTS ticket, jual/swap merch. 300 RT aku buat. Sebab before-before this aku buat community kat twitter dengan discord server pun sendu.

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kalau pinjam barang org, x pulang, itu kurang ajar. Kalau amik brg org then kasi jual, itu aku x tau nk ckp apa. Ada je org yg buat benda cmni. Biadap. Xde maruah

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I love you so much Pop. You destroyed cancer but the infection messed everything up. I love you so much. I miss you already. You fought hard even when you were in so much pain. But I'm glad the last months with you, we were all together. Rest in power. My father. My hero.

Rakita.my (@rakitamy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Salam takziah buat hos #LokalahChartShow, Darren AHM dan keluarga atas kehilangan ayahanda tercinta. Semoga seluruh keluarga terus kuat dalam menghadapi waktu sukar ini šŸ¤ We are with you brother šŸ«‚ #ZonLIRakita

Darren AHM (@darrenteh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you George Teh Pek Sai for my life. I am who I am today because of you. I love you so much Pop. I hope you see John Lennon and maybe you can both jam and sing together. You fought so hard. I'm so proud of you. It's so unreal but I know you're no longer in pain. I love you.

Thank you George Teh Pek Sai for my life. I am who I am today because of you. I love you so much Pop. I hope you see John Lennon and maybe you can both jam and sing together. You fought so hard. I'm so proud of you. It's so unreal but I know you're no longer in pain. I love you.