Darkroamer.eth | LA x MTTM
P2E Consultant, Investor & Content Creator 🤝
MTTM Core Team @mttm_official ⛩
Co-Leader of @LunaciaAcademy 🎓
Bullish on @AxieInfinity @SipherXYZ 🚀
ID: 1413207974143827969
https://linktr.ee/Darkroamer 08-07-2021 18:49:18
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1,1K Takip Edilen

These #MIRATASHI PFPs are looking phenomenal. Each of these are 1 of 1s. Katark official is amazingly talented🔥 4th drop is almost complete, only 50 of these are going to be dropped.

A super fun night meeting with many new and old frens in web 3.0 and PxE! Our @SIPHERxyz was a great hit with TIN | Sipher Odyssey & Ather Labs even dropping by with some exclusive swag! Will definitely be hosting more meetups - Photos below for everyone! (If yall have photos feel free to add!)

Our amazing core team and members follow them if you haven't! @0xGuru_ Darkroamer.eth | LA x MTTM notplusone TwoBags ⛩ Lukas (a.k.a. Wealthineer) OrielWei Toxic Yakult.eat ⛩ Jaatster.ron | जाटस्टर 🇮🇳 discord.gg/mttm + discord if you wanna check out the community!

Met the big man Jihoz.ron 🍚 himself tonight at the Axie Infinity event! It was such a pleasure to finally meet you in person after all this time 🤝

Axie Tuesday will return tomorrow with unreleased podcast content recorded at the Code: Axie event in New York City! Andrew Campbell will introduce his live chats with: cloudwhite☁️ and Josh Bill Elafros @0xGuru_ and @Ryan_METAT8 Will be streamed on twitch.tv/AxieInfinity

I asked cagy.ron | youtube/@cagyjan if he would do a video drinking a gallon of juice if I bought a tier 1. 👀

Very proud to see Axie Infinity ignoring the noise and focusing on building in the bear as they always do💪 I'm seriously loving this introduction of the return system, this will definitely give some more complexity to the gameplay