Danielle Stouck (@danistouck) 's Twitter Profile
Danielle Stouck


Senior Strategic Partnerships Manager @Freedom_Fund. @ColumbiaSIPA & @barnardalumnae. Pro-abortion, nutella & dogs. Views are my own.

ID: 25595867

calendar_today20-03-2009 23:10:14

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Kate Kelly (@kate_kelly_esq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NYC is going to start giving away *free* abortion pills at clinics 💊💊 And, keep in mind that if you're in a Red State—you can get free pills in the mail from redstateaccess.com ABORTION PILLS ARE IN OUR HANDS & WE WON'T STOP! gothamist.com/news/nyc-will-…

SisterSong: National Women of Color RJ Collective (@sistersong_woc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BIG MOMENT! "Make no mistake; if Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it." Biden #SOTU #SOTU2023 - thank you, Mr. President for saying abortion and for fighting for bodily autonomy!

Survivor Alliance (@empwrsurvivors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Freedom Fund have launched 2 fellowships in partnership with SA. Fellowships enable Survivor Leaders to learn about the non-profit sector whilst orgs are supported to employ people w/ lived experience. Find out more at our info sessions on 22 Feb & 1 Mar: bit.ly/3Imtk09

<a href="/Freedom_Fund/">The Freedom Fund</a> have launched 2 fellowships in partnership with SA. Fellowships enable Survivor Leaders to learn about the non-profit sector whilst orgs are supported to employ people w/ lived experience. Find out more at our info sessions on 22 Feb &amp; 1 Mar: bit.ly/3Imtk09
Hayley McMahon, MSPH, CPH (@mcmisoprostol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m going to keep saying this until folks stop trying to create a binary where one simply does not exist: ALL abortions are medically-necessary abortions. Care that someone needs to be holistically well is medically-necessary.

Mariam Safi (@officialmariams) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Afghan Women send Open Letter to António Guterres calling for: 1. Ensure UN is consistent in messaging on human rights 2. Ensure UN doesn't comply w Taliban’s ban on women working for UN 3. Ensure diverse women are consulted 4.Urge all parties not to grant Taliban a seat at UN

Afghan Women send Open Letter to <a href="/antonioguterres/">AntĂłnio Guterres</a>  calling for:
1. Ensure UN is consistent in messaging on human rights
2. Ensure UN doesn't comply w Taliban’s ban on women working for UN
3. Ensure diverse women are consulted
4.Urge all parties not to grant Taliban a seat at UN
Danielle Stouck (@danistouck) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Feeling hugely inspired and energized at the African Grantmakers Affinity Group convening at Ford Foundation. A room full of leading philanthropists working to address structural and intersectional challenges facing the African continent. @agagafrica

Feeling hugely inspired and energized at the African Grantmakers Affinity Group convening at <a href="/FordFoundation/">Ford Foundation</a>. A room full of leading philanthropists working to address structural and intersectional challenges facing the African continent. @agagafrica
Chabeli Carrazana (@chabelic_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨🧵: The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act goes into effect today, providing expansive protections to workers seeking accommodation for *any* pregnancy-related medical condition. It's the result of 10+ years of advocacy. Here's everything you need to know: 19thnews.org/2023/06/pregna…

The Freedom Fund (@freedom_fund) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stay tuned đź‘€ - tomorrow we'll be launching a new resource for donors building on what we've learned from 10 years of funding frontline organisations.

Stay tuned đź‘€ - tomorrow we'll be launching a new resource for donors building on what we've learned from 10 years of funding frontline organisations.
Danielle Stouck (@danistouck) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Calling philanthropists eager to shift power and capital to frontline organizations and leaders! Do you want to learn how to support orgs to be sustainable & resilient? How to navigate challenges & risks? How to evaluate impact? Check out this new resource by The Freedom Fund

Jerry Stouck (@jerrystouck) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The fight for the right to use the mifepristone long predates tomorrow’s Supreme Court argument. Over thirty years ago, before the abortion pill was approved for use in this country, the Center for Reproductive Rights and its founder Janet Benshoof,