Daniela Lucente
Biologist. PhD genetics. #Aquaculture specialist @FAO. Working on sustainable management of aquatic #biodiversity. (Views are my own)
ID: 1125858508820418560
07-05-2019 20:22:40
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Interested on current and future genetic technologies for Fisheries and Aquaculture ? In this report, we review likely implications of genetic technologies on the fisheries and aquaculture sectors over the next 10y, focusing on the work of Food and Agriculture Organization #COFI35 fao.org/3/cc1645en/cc1…
New online course by the #EAFNansen Programme on the ecosystem approach to fisheries #EAF is now available in the Food and Agriculture Organization elearning academy! Take it & get certified on the 3 steps needed to develop an EAF Management Plan: elearning.fao.org/course/view.ph… #sustainablefisheries #SDG14
#FAO is supporting #Indonesia to develop a national strategy for management of aquatic species in #aquaculture. 🦐🐟🐚 #AqGR data collection is the best way to start: #AquaGRIS training today for Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Graham Mair
Our own Fisheries & Aquaculture Team Leader Graham Mair presenting in a Technology, Innovation and Best practices session the work of FAO on Aquatic Genetic Resources and AquaGRIS. Well done!
The User-Friendly Tool For Investment Decision Making in Aquaculture (UTIDA) is a tool that DA-BFAR and FAO Philippines would like to use to improve tilapia competitiveness. Our Fisheries & Aquaculture colleague Junning Cai is in Manila this week to guide us on its use fao.org/fishery/en/uti…
🐟Day1 of #FAO-HAKI Expert Workshop on “Improvement of seed supply for small-scale inland #aquaculture”. Experts will discuss broodstock management and certification, upscale of genetic improvement, hatchery design Fisheries & Aquaculture Graham Mair Mohamed ElSayed M.A.Megahed Alessandro Lovatelli
This is something we are very proud about! A final, more complete interface will be released soon. Graham Mair