Dani Bergey
molecular, science, + data visualization // head of design at weave bio // freelancing as dopa visuals
ID: 629799929
http://danibergey.com 08-07-2012 01:43:59
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Come work with me and Jen Christiansen this summer! Scientific American graphics internship info here (and feel free to DM me with questions): careers.springernature.com/job/New-York-G…

#MolecularNodes v2.5 is out, which adds support for importing Electron Microscopy densities into #blender3d as volumetric objects that work with #GeometryNodes. This is 6OGD / EMDB 20053 solved by PiperProteinProductions / Sarah Piper MN Release: github.com/BradyAJohnston… 1/5