Daniel Höhmann
Postdoctoral Researcher, Political Science, University of Basel. Research: Parliaments, Representation, Coalition Governance
ID: 1034380349198008320
http://www.danielhoehmann.com 28-08-2018 10:01:07
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Online first: "For women only? Politicians’ attitudes towards men’s role in gender equality representation" by Daniel Höhmann doi.org/10.1080/014023… Routledge Politics, IR & Area Studies
We are hiring! Postdoc focusing on comparative politics. 👩🎓 Responsibilities include: Independent research, student mentorship, and teaching (2 hrs/week). 📍 Basel, Switzerland 🗓️ Starting: September 1, 2024 career2.successfactors.eu/career?company… University of Basel European Consortium for Political Research
Gewalt gegen Politiker*innen in Deutschland ist heute akuter als je zuvor. 📢Zusammen mit HateAid führen wir an der TU München& HfPMuenchen ein Forschungsprojekt zu den Erfahrungen mit Gewalt - *online* & *offline* - von politisch aktiven Personen in Deutschland durch 👇
Super happy about this new publication WEP Journal with amazing - though Twitterless - Ida Hjermitslev and the always great Svenja Krauss about coalition heuristics in the multi-level context of Germany (1/3)
Are you a PhD student or candidate looking to take your #ECPG2024 paper from presentation to published article? This critical perspectives article by Daniel Höhmann on publishing while pursuing your PhD has some helpful advice. cambridge.org/core/journals/…
Yes to this — such a helpful piece. The whole critical perspectives on addressing the “hidden” curriculum / demystifying publishing is useful (if I do say so myself 👀) Brit Anlar Jamil Scott Celeste Montoya Daniel Höhmann Aksel Sundstrom ⬇️⬇️
In light of Kamala Harris's historic presidential bid 🇺🇸, Politics & Gender is ungating✨three ✨of our virtual special issue collections! Collection #1 on Women as National Leaders cambridge.org/core/journals/… Articles will remain open access until the end of September 2024 📰
Thrilled to share that our new paper with Heike Klüver is now available at Comparative Political Studies! 🎉 We explore the electoral consequences for political parties that formally support minority governments. Check it out: tinyurl.com/mry4w7sw
Very happy to see this paper published in Legislative Studies Quarterly 🎉
Congratulations Daniel Höhmann to this exciting finding and the cool study!
"Mo' Money, Mo' Problems"? Well, we here Comparative Politics Group at Lund University at @pol_lu want to find out! In 2 weeks' time, 21 innovative, and generous scholars will present their latest research on the linkage between💰 and political behavior. See who! 👇🏼 (thanks to Björn Frostner for the design!)
Last week, 26 scholars generously gave their time to discuss political economy and behavior Statsvetenskap Lund. Innovative research✔️ Gut-busting laughs✔️ The best? Senior scholars being role models and the collective creation of a safe space for idea exchange. So grateful to and for them🧵