Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist (@cult_archaeo) 's Twitter Profile
Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist


Archaeologist, PhD student: Brother XII & the Aquarian Foundation, pseudoarchaeology, far-right uses of pseudoarch, archaeology of conspirituality (she/her)

ID: 753984763115950081

link calendar_today15-07-2016 16:09:10

21,21K Tweet


1,1K Following

Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist (@cult_archaeo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is an excellent interview with Hopi tribal official Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, which includes discussion about the impacts AA, and Hancock's claims more broadly, have on Hopi and other Indigenous nations. "These false narratives affect living cultures."

Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist (@cult_archaeo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As per always, use the Oxygen of Amplification to recognize outrage farming and learn how to not fall into its trap. Like, for ex., you see a relatively calm trailer for a show, but it's accompanied by antagonistic promotional tweets - that's a tactic!…

Bridget Alex (@bannelia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Links to 9 SAPIENS pieces from anthropologists living in and/or writing on Palestine and Israel, including cultural heritage protection, prisoners, olive trees, soldier social media, witnessing genocide Anthropologists on Palestine… via @sapiens_org

Scott D. Haddow (@sdhaddow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Baalbek 🇱🇧 is in the news for more than just #pseudoarchaeology this week as Israeli bombs land less than a kilometer from the temples, killing civilians living nearby.

Dr Alex Fitzpatrick (@archaeologyfitz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As we reach the year anniversary of the intensification of the genocide of Palestinians, I want to once again highlight the silence of some major archaeology organisations. For context, I’ll recommend Chloë Emmott’s blog post on the discipline’s complicity:…

Black Trowel Collective (@blacktrowel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One year on, we reaffirm our statement on the Palestinian Genocide. We call for our fellow archaeologists to use their skills, knowledge, and networks to act against state violence.…

Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist (@cult_archaeo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm on Vancouver Island this week for an anniversary trip with Pat and not for research purposes. And yet. . . there are Brother XIIs everywhere for those with the eyes to see 🙏

I'm on Vancouver Island this week for an anniversary trip with Pat and not for research purposes. And yet. . . there are Brother XIIs everywhere for those with the eyes to see 🙏
Timothy Caulfield (@caulfieldtim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨Important piece.🚨 Misinformation is a threat to society – let’s not pretend otherwis… "...misinformation has clear and measurable effects" and "downplaying them risks compromising fact based public dialogue." by Sander van der Linden Stephan Lewandowsky Ullrich Ecker

Tristan Mendès France (@tristanmf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pour notre tout nouveau Complorama, on a décidé de pourrir la sortie, dans quelques jours, du blockbuster de Netflix « Ancient Apocalypse ». Accrochez-vous, un bon paquet de wtf inside. 🎧…

Pour notre tout nouveau Complorama, on a décidé de pourrir la sortie, dans quelques jours, du blockbuster de Netflix « Ancient Apocalypse ». 
Accrochez-vous, un bon paquet de wtf inside.
Andre Costopoulos (@andrecosto) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Should real archeologists appear on pseudo-archeological TV shows like Ancient Aliens and Ancient Apocalypse?…

matthew remski (@matthewremski) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Born in 1831, Helena "Madame" Blavatsky pioneered the New Age grift, plagiarizing her books while claiming to be channeling the “Masters of Ancient Wisdom”. From julian walker's Patreon series on the roots of conspirituality.…

Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist (@cult_archaeo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I had a great time chatting with Julian and Sean about archaeology and pseudoarch's appearances in unsavoury places, and *that* chapter that made a man so angry after not reading it that he suggested starting a revolution 🙌

Steph Kemmerer (@stephindoubt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💯 Don't waste your time. You can offer advice, support & resources, but never debate. Theorists aren't defending an idea, they're defending what feels right to them. They NEVER debate fairly bc they are defending their theorist existence. It's all they have.

Steph Halmhofer, Verklempt Archaeologist (@cult_archaeo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is an insightful look at Foster Coulson and his conspiritual grifts. Including The Wellness Company, which I've seen advertised many times in videos by a prolific pseudoarch content creator/outrage farmer who runs in the same circles as many mentioned here.