CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile


CTV is a local independent media resource providing PEG content for Santa Cruz County. Facebook===goo.gl/PSFVYz YouTube===goo.gl/J7o0HY

ID: 127922192

linkhttp://www.communitytv.org calendar_today30-03-2010 16:39:26

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CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The next CTV Studio Camera Class will be held TOMORROW Saturday June 30 from 2:00 to 4:00pm. Learn how to use CTV's HD Studio cameras and develop the basic skills necessary to work on studio productions. For more information or to register, click... communitytv.org/events/field-c…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear friends and colleagues, Descendants of the Imagination latest episode is running on Santa Cruz's Community TV at 11:30 am, Tuesdays. This latest episode will air on Nov. 4. If you saw an earlier cut of... facebook.com/CTVsantacruzco…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries were on Non Profit Spotlight today - along with their friend R2D2. photos.app.goo.gl/E6GgA8WEffxzjS…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Edit Suite 2 got an upgrade today - it now has 2 widescreen monitors! Editing is way easier now. Plus, get ready for the New Really Simple Video studio coming soon! photos.app.goo.gl/QcEKKTzbq6RqfD…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A big welcome to the upcoming Executive Director of O'Neill Sea Odyssey, Rachel Kippen! Here's the latest episode of Non Profit Spotlight! youtu.be/1C13dU5oPao youtu.be/1C13dU5oPao

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The RSVP is almost done! All backdrops in and working. There's brick, wood, white, and black, and of course the green screen behind it. photos.app.goo.gl/ayYYd69XpbjuAC…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't miss this opportunity to get the equipment you need to work with youth to create their OWN media. March 30th. register now! communitytv.org/available-clas…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us for First Friday! We'll also be demo-ing our new RSVP Really Simple Video Place! firstfridaysantacruz.com/event/satellit… firstfridaysantacruz.com/event/satellit…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great article in Santa Cruz Tech Beat #sctechbeat about our new RSVP "Really Simple Video Place!" santacruztechbeat.com/2019/04/30/com… santacruztechbeat.com/2019/04/30/com…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aptos Local March For Our Lives TONIGHT at 8PM. Media Watch compiled some national speeches with our local youth and hundreds of supporters. It will run tonight on Community TV during the Moving Forward program. Wed.... communitytv.org/watch/ctv-publ…

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Green (Blue) Panels back in the studio, ready for your green screen shoot! Nice new black floor too! photos.app.goo.gl/k0d7KJ7gTiMUUa…

CTVsantacruz (@ctvsantacruz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!! Adobe® Photoshop® for Beginners. Stop fooling around. Learn to use the most creative tool ever from a pro! Follow along with hands-on learning. Learn to... communitytv.org/events/better-…