CTDGH (@ctdgh_ucb) 's Twitter Profile


Center for Tropical Diseases and Global Health (CTDGH) at Université Catholique de Bukavu, DR Congo

ID: 1578639149556539393

linkhttps://ucbukavu.ac.cd/ctdgh/ calendar_today08-10-2022 06:51:33

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CTDGH (@ctdgh_ucb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Warm congratulations to our researcher Mirielle A Mpalang Kakubu for being nominated among the Prestigious 50 Outstanding African Women in Development. UCB Donors For Africa Foundation

Warm congratulations to our researcher Mirielle A Mpalang Kakubu for being nominated among the Prestigious 50 Outstanding African Women in Development. <a href="/ucbukavu/">UCB</a> <a href="/DonorsForAfrica/">Donors For Africa Foundation</a>
STAIRS-Sepsis (@stairs_sepsis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another partner from STAIRS-Sepsis has undergone the #EIDM training facilitated by AFIDEP. This time the ArsiUniversity team brought together a group of 19 stakeholders to strengthen capacity for translating #sepsis research findings to policy in #Ethiopia.

Another partner from <a href="/STAIRS_sepsis/">STAIRS-Sepsis</a>  has undergone the #EIDM training facilitated by <a href="/Afidep/">AFIDEP</a>. This time the <a href="/UniversityArsi/">ArsiUniversity</a> team brought together a group of 19 stakeholders to strengthen capacity for translating #sepsis research findings to policy in #Ethiopia.
CTDGH (@ctdgh_ucb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The CTDGH team had a great meeting with His Excellency Dr Théophile Walulika Muzaliwa, the South Kivu minister of health. The researchers introduced the SMART project and other research projects within the center on mpox Esto Bahizire Espoir Bwenge Malembaka Katoto PDM UCB

The CTDGH team had a great meeting with His Excellency  Dr Théophile Walulika Muzaliwa, the South Kivu minister of health. The researchers  introduced the SMART project and other research projects within the center on mpox <a href="/BahizireEsto/">Esto Bahizire</a> <a href="/espoir_bwenge/">Espoir Bwenge Malembaka</a> <a href="/Patrickdemarie/">Katoto PDM</a> <a href="/ucbukavu/">UCB</a>
CTDGH (@ctdgh_ucb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Checkout this press release : the CTDGH will be leading a trial in DRC to test the efficacy of a shot of mpox vaccine in pos-exposure prophylaxis. With UCB CEPI Katoto PDM Esto Bahizire Arsene Daniel Nyalundja, MD Espoir Bwenge Malembaka cepi.net//new-clinical-…

CTDGH (@ctdgh_ucb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With AFIDEP, CTDGH organized a 4-day training on evidence-informed decision-making with policymakers, health authorities, researchers, clinicians, medical students, civil society, to improve the management of #sepsis in #DRC #EIDM STAIRS-Sepsis BMBF Katoto PDM

With <a href="/Afidep/">AFIDEP</a>, <a href="/ctdgh_ucb/">CTDGH</a> organized a 4-day training on evidence-informed decision-making with policymakers, health authorities, researchers, clinicians, medical students, civil society, to improve the management of #sepsis in #DRC #EIDM 
<a href="/STAIRS_sepsis/">STAIRS-Sepsis</a> <a href="/BMBF_Bund/">BMBF</a> <a href="/Patrickdemarie/">Katoto PDM</a>
CTDGH (@ctdgh_ucb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CTDGH's director, Prof Esto Bahizire, has presented the STAIRS #Sepis project to the South Kivu authorities during the Inter Agency Coordination meeting chaired by the vice-governor of the South Kivu province on Wednesday August 7, 2024. UCB STAIRS-Sepsis Katoto PDM

CTDGH's director, Prof Esto Bahizire, has presented the STAIRS #Sepis project to the South Kivu authorities during the Inter Agency Coordination meeting chaired by the vice-governor of the South Kivu province on Wednesday August 7, 2024. <a href="/ucbukavu/">UCB</a> <a href="/STAIRS_sepsis/">STAIRS-Sepsis</a> <a href="/Patrickdemarie/">Katoto PDM</a>
UCB (@ucbukavu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Retour en images sur le séminaire organisé par notre Faculté de Médecine à travers CTDGH sous le thème ‘‘Epidémie de Mpox : Rôle de la recherche pour guider la riposte’’. A la quête de l’Excellence, au service de la Communauté ! #ucbukavu #UCB #medicine #ctdgh

Retour en images sur le séminaire organisé par notre Faculté de Médecine à travers <a href="/ctdgh_ucb/">CTDGH</a> sous le thème ‘‘Epidémie de Mpox : Rôle de la recherche pour guider la riposte’’.

A la quête de l’Excellence, au service de la Communauté !
#ucbukavu #UCB #medicine  #ctdgh