Christine Schwobel-Patel (@cschwobelpatel) 's Twitter Profile
Christine Schwobel-Patel


Professor @Warwick_Law, international law, political economy, aesthetics, green transition. fellow @CRASSHlive. Marketing Global Justice:

ID: 750700174813560832

link calendar_today06-07-2016 14:37:23

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Tor Krever (@tor_krever) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The London Review of International Law invited critical scholars to contribute short reflections on international law and Gaza. The collection of 47 pieces is published here:ā€¦

Christine Schwobel-Patel (@cschwobelpatel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Enormous thanks to Tor Krever and LRIL team for this critical effort. Proud to be a smalll part of it. Together with Nahed Samour and Michelle Burgis-Kasthala, I consider the deafening silence of the absence of settler colonialism as a legal category in international law.

Enormous thanks to <a href="/tor_krever/">Tor Krever</a> and LRIL team for this critical effort. 

Proud to be a smalll part of it. Together with Nahed Samour and Michelle Burgis-Kasthala, I consider the deafening silence of the absence of settler colonialism as a legal category in international law.
Lea Ypi (@lea_ypi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2024. Now. Before everyoneā€™s eyes. ā€œThe only democracy in the Middle Eastā€. ā€œDefending liberal valuesā€. What in the name of god or in the name of humanity or in the name of whatever, justifies any of this? If this doesnā€™t move you, what does? How do you sleep at night?

Zarah Sultana MP (@zarahsultana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Despite overwhelming evidence of Israeli war crimes, the UK government continues to export weapons to Israel. End this complicity. Immediately suspend all arms sales.

Christine Schwobel-Patel (@cschwobelpatel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€˜After the 26 January ICJ ruling, states cannot claim they did not know what they were risking to partake in,ā€ said Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territoryā€™ā€¦

Christine Schwobel-Patel (@cschwobelpatel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A fantastic interview with always insightful Thea Riofrancos about topics around the materiality and global political economy of mining for the green transition

Stefan Talmon (@stefantalmon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No port access for German-owned vessel carring military equipment to Israel Namibia denied German-owned cargo vessel MV Kathrin (sailing under the flag of Portugal) access to its port of Walvis Bay on the ground that the vessel carried ā€œexplosive material destined for Israel."

MSF International (@msf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The scale and intensity of Israel's four-day incursion in Jenin is very alarming. Israeli forces keep obstructing access to health facilities blocking and even targeting ambulances, delaying peopleā€™s access to care.

Stuart Elden (@stuartelden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shaina Potts, Judicial Territory: Law, Capital, and the Expansion of American Empire - Duke University Press, September 2024ā€¦ Introduction open access at this link

Shaina Potts, Judicial Territory: Law, Capital, and the Expansion of American Empire - <a href="/DukePress/">Duke University Press</a>, September 2024ā€¦
Introduction open access at this link
Nicola Pratt (@ncpratt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seeing lots of posts on my timeline about the new academic year, people starting new jobs, PhD programmes, etc. A reminder that 1000s of Palestinian staff and students are unable to start the new academic year because of Israelā€™s ongoing scholasticide & genocide

Umut Ɩzsu (@umut_ozsu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Greatly looking forward to speaking Lauterpacht Centre for International Law about some new work, reading international legal debates about decolonization and the transition to neoliberalism on the basis of contemporaneous Marxist state theory. Register via link below.ā€¦

Greatly looking forward to speaking <a href="/Lauterpacht_Ctr/">Lauterpacht Centre for International Law</a> about some new work, reading international legal debates about decolonization and the transition to neoliberalism on the basis of contemporaneous Marxist state theory. Register via link below.ā€¦
Christine Schwobel-Patel (@cschwobelpatel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

GLAN and Al-Haq, who are engaged in on-going litigation on the UKā€™s failures to halt weapons exports to Israel, will now analyse whether the government is acting in accordance with UK law by exempting the F35 components and will pursue accountability in court.

Emily Jones (@edajones16) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I wrote a queer analysis of international environmental law focusing on human and nonhuman rights, common heritage and future generations for Claerwen OĀ“Hara and Dr Tamsin Phillipa Paige's forthcoming Queer Engaganents with Int'l Law collection. Read it for free using the link below šŸ‘‡

Illan rua Wall (@ruawall) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Teaching term is approaching & maybe its time to recommend the Critical Legal Pocketbook to your freshfaced new law students? Fairly cheap paperback& pay what you can ebook-its a really helpful text to help them see through the politics of their law degreeā€¦

Christine Schwobel-Patel (@cschwobelpatel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have been thinking about clarity and Germans - itā€™s ironic how we pride ourselves on being precise and clear and yet are willing for post-colonialism and anti-zionism to be conflated with anti-semitism. Thereā€™s nothing clear or precise about that conflation.