Cryptic Prophage (phage 🧬🪤 in 🦠)
TAs 🛑 phages ('96), phages ➡️ persisters, E. c. CRISPR 🛑 cryptic prophages, indole=interkingdom signal, AI2 incr biofilm & TqsA exports (Prof. Thomas K. Wood)
ID: 1494191610225168391 17-02-2022 06:07:15
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Souvik Bhattacharyya PNASNews HarsheyLab Cool. We found motility was required for IS5 mutations that activate flhDC )(…).
Vasili Hauryliuk I personally dislike the term abortive infection. Immune systems could be classified in 4 quadrants depending on whether they sense phage molecular patterns or a perturbation of host patterns, and whether they act on host molecules or act on phage molecules.
David Bikard I agree - 100-%. We do not see much death for things that one would call ”abortive”. It is a social construct ;)
Vasili Hauryliuk Hopefully your work will not have the word 'death' 22 times in it (without proof for prokaryotes)😉. Ah, will the 'Merchants of Death' ever stop making this unsubstantiated claim?