Cartoons about glaciers.
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ID: 1042513029848604672
19-09-2018 20:37:30
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Reduced driving stress upstream of bumps can stabilize grounding zones on otherwise unstable reverse bed slopes. From Alex Robel of Georgia Tech at #WAIS2020

Hey CDW, can you guess which ice shelves are retreating and which are advancing? From Julia Andreasen of Soil, Water, & Climate at #WAIS2020

Optical methods under-predict supraglacial lake depth, but ICESat-2 is here to save the day. From Philipp Arndt of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at #WAIS2020

CryoSat-2 shows linked draining and filling of subglacial lakes on Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica. From Anna Hogg of Earth and Environment at Leeds at #vEGU21 #vEGU21_CR

Time does heal all (faults). From Grace Barcheck of Cornell Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at #WAISworkshop

Melange backstress might put a halt on Marine Ice Cliff Instablilty. From @crawfisha of StAndrews Glaciology at #WAISworkshop

Pine Island Bay blooms are in part fertilized by iron from seafloor volcanic glass. From Lisa Herbert of Rutgers University at #WAISworkshop

Greenland glaciers: doing strange things since 2015. From Mal McMillan of Lancaster University at #AGU2021 AGU Cryosphere

Meltwater can infiltrate and refreeze even where surface ice slabs exist at the surface. From Riley Culberg of SU Radio Glaciology Stanford University at #AGU2021 AGU Cryosphere

The Siple Coast grounding line was was inland of present at 6,000 years ago. From Dr. Ryan Venturelli of Tulane University at #AGU2021 AGU Cryosphere

Measurements show that firn compaction rates vary on seasonal (and shorter!) timescales. From Max Stevens of NASA Goddard at #AGU2021 AGU Cryosphere

Warm water exists at depth around east Antarctica. From Y.Nakayama | 南極の海/氷の研究者 | Polar Oceanographer of Hokkaido University at #AGU22