Cristian González Cabrera (@cristianfergo) 's Twitter Profile
Cristian González Cabrera


Human rights lawyer. Senior Researcher at @hrw focusing on gender and sexuality in Latin America and the Caribbean 📸

ID: 219274202

link calendar_today24-11-2010 12:09:49

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Juanita Goebertus (@juanitagoe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mexico🇲🇽| The constitutional changes being proposed by the government are very dangerous. They would undermine judicial independence, give unprecedented power to the military, and eliminate key human rights safeguards. Congress should reject them.…

Human Rights Watch (@hrw_espanol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

México🇲🇽| Los cambios constitucionales propuestos por el Gobierno son muy peligrosos. Socavan la independencia judicial, otorgan un poder sin precedentes a los militares y eliminan salvaguardas clave para proteger DDHH. El Congreso debería rechazarlos.…

Maria Elena Vignoli (@me_vignoli) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨#Putin is scheduled to travel to Mongolia next Tuesday to attend a military anniversary event. Mongolia would be defying its international obligations as an #ICC member if it allows Putin to visit without arresting him. 1/3…

🚨#Putin is scheduled to travel to Mongolia next Tuesday to attend a military anniversary event.

Mongolia would be defying its international obligations as an #ICC member if it allows Putin to visit without arresting him. 

Almaz Teffera (@almazteffera) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In the wake of recent racist & Islamophobic riots in the #UK, the UN’s anti-racism body urged the UK govt to finally right the wrongs committed against the #Windrush generation & Chagossian people, as part of its efforts to tackle systemic #racism. Human Rights Watch…

Lisa Maier (@la_tamalisa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧵1/3 For the first time since the Taliban took power in 2021, #Germany's government has deported 28 people to Afghanistan. The human rights situation in #Afghanistan is catastrophic, but Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat doesn't seem to care, as they organized the operation.…

Human Rights Watch (@hrw_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧵1/3 Zum 1. Mal seit Machtübernahme der Taliban 2021 hat die Bundesregierung 28 Personen nach #Afghanistan abgeschoben. Die Menschenrechtslage dort ist katastrophal. Das scheint dem Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat aber herzlich egal zu sein, es organisierte die Operation.…

Cristian González Cabrera (@cristianfergo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A top court in the Dominican Republic has agreed to review a challenge to laws dating from the last century that criminalize gay sex involving members of the army and police force. The Associated Press Dánica Coto:…

Tyler Mattiace (@tmattiacehrw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mexico's Congress is on the verge of approving four dangerous constitutional amendments. They will undermine judicial independence, eliminate key human rights safeguards, reduce government transparency, and give even more power to the military.…

Juanita Goebertus (@juanitagoe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 New Report | Since July 28, 23 protesters and bystanders have been killed during protests in Venezuela. 🇻🇪 The evidence we collected implicates security forces and pro-government "colectivos." We documented 6 cases in detail. 👇🏽…

Juanita Goebertus (@juanitagoe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Venezuela🇻🇪| Isaías, de solo 15 años, regresaba a su casa luego de practicar un baile y recibió un disparo en el cuello. Videos muestran a fuerzas de seguridad dispersando manifestantes y fuentes señalan la presencia de colectivos. Reconstruimos su caso👇🏽

Maria Laura Canineu (@mlcanineu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Each year an estimated 7 million people around the world are killed by effects from air pollution. Ahead of the International Day of #CleanAir governments should phase out all fossil fuels to improve air quality and slow global warming. Follow Human Rights Watch

Cristian González Cabrera (@cristianfergo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Una ola de protestas ha estallado en Venezuela desde las elecciones de julio. Las autoridades han respondido con violencia y abusos. NUEVO informe de Human Rights Watch documenta asesinatos, detenciones arbitrarias y acoso a críticos👇

Cristian González Cabrera (@cristianfergo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Este programa de educación sexual en Paraguay🇵🇾 carece de rigor científico y refuerza prejuicios. MECpy debe garantizar que los jóvenes cuenten con información inclusiva en materia de género y sexualidad, que es esencial para una vida segura y saludable.…

Cristian González Cabrera (@cristianfergo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paraguay🇵🇾 endorsed a sex ed program from the 1950s. It reinforces gender stereotypes (girls have smaller brains); promotes misinformation (condoms don't work). MECpy should scrap this biased program & prioritize scientific info on gender/sexuality.…

Paraguay🇵🇾 endorsed a sex ed program from the 1950s.  

It reinforces gender stereotypes (girls have smaller brains); promotes misinformation (condoms don't work). 

<a href="/MECpy/">MECpy</a> should scrap this biased program &amp; prioritize scientific info on gender/sexuality.…
Juanita Goebertus (@juanitagoe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 Starting now, press conference with Human Rights Watch’s Executive Director Tirana Hassan on our latest report: “Darién Gap: the jungle where poor migration policies meet.” You can watch the broadcast here 📺👇🏽…

🚨 Starting now, press conference with <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a>’s Executive Director <a href="/TiranaHassan/">Tirana Hassan</a> on our latest report: “Darién Gap: the jungle where poor migration policies meet.”

You can watch the broadcast here 📺👇🏽…
Zach Campbell (@notzachcampbell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New, from @HRW: The Israeli military’s use of surveillance technologies, AI and other digital tools in Gaza could be increasing the risk of civilian harm. These tools raise grave ethical, legal and humanitarian concerns.

Juliane Kippenberg (@kippenbergj) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just launched! The UN principles on energy transition minerals make clear "human rights must be at the core" of mineral supply chains. Now the hard work of putting them into practice should begin to ensure a truly just transition from fossil fuels…

Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno (@mmcfarlandsm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Peru's former autocrat, Alberto Fujimori, died yesterday. I grew up under his regime. Initially democratically elected in 1990, Fujimori shut down Congress in 1992 and eliminated all checks on his power--a model many autocrats have followed since. Human Rights Watch 🧵1/7

Peru's former autocrat, Alberto Fujimori, died yesterday. I grew up under his regime. Initially democratically elected in 1990, Fujimori shut down Congress in 1992 and eliminated all checks on his power--a model many autocrats have followed since. <a href="/hrw/">Human Rights Watch</a> 🧵1/7
Emilie McDonnell (@dremmcdonnell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Powerful piece by Bill Frelick Human Rights Watch on the grotesque stereotyping and fearmongering of #Haitian immigrants in the US, and the urgency of politicians & the public confronting the racism that colours immigration and asylum policies.…