Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile
Crispian Farrow


Interests in education, digital transformation & innovation. Consultant, speaker and entrepreneurship charity director. Asia-based. Opinions are my own.

ID: 173702235

calendar_today02-08-2010 04:03:32

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1,1K Following

Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#YoungFoundersSchool at it again teaching #HongKong #students how to better the world through #entrepreneurship Need to up my #cantonese game though! #education #alwayslearning

#YoungFoundersSchool at it again teaching #HongKong #students how to better the world through #entrepreneurship Need to up my #cantonese game though! #education #alwayslearning
Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€˜#SAMR is a technology continuum rather than a #learning continuumā€™ says Scott McLeod His #fourshifts protocol offers a framework to move towards deeper learning pedagogies. #education

Keri-Lee Beasley (@klbeasley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Be a Media Mentor, not the Media Policeā€¦ The background into the #MediaMentorMonth initiative that @GWASWellbeing & I began last year. Weā€™d love to have you on board! Pick & choose your days to participate, or join us for the ride. #GWAinspire #digcit

Be a Media Mentor, not the Media Policeā€¦ The background into the #MediaMentorMonth initiative that @GWASWellbeing & I began last year. Weā€™d love to have you on board! Pick & choose your days to participate, or join us for the ride. #GWAinspire #digcit
Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another year of the #ESF student-led computing conference underway. Bringing students from across our schools together to learn #AI, #blockchain, #design, #microbit and a host of other things. Thanks to all our sponsors without whom we couldnā€™t do this. #computing #education

Another year of the #ESF student-led computing conference underway. Bringing students from across our schools together to learn #AI, #blockchain, #design, #microbit and a host of other things. Thanks to all our sponsors without whom we couldnā€™t do this. #computing #education
Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A reminder that conversations about screen time are not well served by taking a narrow focus. There is often so much more at play that is important to consider in the discussion. #screentime #edtech #wellbeing

Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Should we think of #learninganalytics as analogous to the use of #bigdata in healthcare? #ISTECert Analogy borrowed from TOPcast online learning podcast.

Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On the subject of #ethics for #bigdata in #education one interesting view is that if we have awareness of a problem (from data) a #student faces are we then obligated to act? #ISTECert Discussed on TOPcast

Crispian Farrow (@crispianfarrow) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Research from James Bessen suggests those that can acquire new #technology skills see a significant jump in wages over those that are unable to. This contributes to rising wage-gap. #skills #ISTEcertā€¦

Screencastify šŸŽ¬ (@screencastify) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If your school has temporarily closed due to the Coronavirus and is looking for a solution for remote learning, please have an administrator contact us at [email protected]. Weā€™ll do whatever we can to help at no cost.

Sian Bayne (@sbayne) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Manifesto for Teaching Online Edinburgh Uni is a call to attention, a distillation of a research program, and a statement of teaching values. Read the manifesto here:ā€¦ DEresearch

Our Manifesto for Teaching Online <a href="/edinburgh_uni/">Edinburgh Uni</a> is a call to attention, a distillation
of a research program, and a statement of teaching values. Read the manifesto here:ā€¦ <a href="/DEresearch/">DEresearch</a>
Jeppe Hansgaard (@jeppehansgaard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The future of work is all about humans and their networks & relations: - Collaborating & Connecting, - Engaging & Empathasizing, - Bonding & Befriending, - Listening & Learning, - Sharing & Speaking... Innovisor #futureofwork #networks

The future of work is all about humans and their networks &amp; relations:
- Collaborating &amp; Connecting, 
- Engaging &amp; Empathasizing, 
- Bonding &amp; Befriending, 
- Listening &amp; Learning, 
- Sharing &amp; Speaking... <a href="/InnovisorInc/">Innovisor</a> #futureofwork #networks
Jacques Perche (@jacquespx) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Exploring a Student-Centered Assessment Experience in Inquiry' with Trevor MacKenzie The ten student-centred assessment beliefs ... As of the 16th of August in Hong Kong, it will be as real as they come! #ESFlearns2022 Brenda Yuen #education #professionaldevelopment

'Exploring a Student-Centered Assessment Experience in Inquiry' with <a href="/trev_mackenzie/">Trevor MacKenzie</a> 
The ten student-centred assessment beliefs ... As of the 16th of August in Hong Kong, it will be as real as they come!  #ESFlearns2022 <a href="/missbrendahere/">Brenda Yuen</a> #education #professionaldevelopment